Separating a mixture of Re (VII), Mo (VI), V (V) and W (VI) ions using the thin layer electro-chromatography method on a thin layer of perlite
This paper presents a new method for separating Rhenium, Molybdenum, Vanadium and Tungsten ions on a thin layer of Perlite using the thin layer -electro-chromatography method. This method is based on the combination between chromatographic forces and electric forces by applying different voltages on the separation plate for different times using several electrolytes as different mobile phase concentrations, at different applying field duarations on the process. This method also shows the possibility of using Perlite as a thin layer in this kind of separation process, which can apply in the separation of other types of biochemistry and inorganic ions This relatively simple method is cost effective.
Science Journal of Analytical ChemistryRelationship between ABO Blood Group and End-stage Renal Disease in Latakia, Syria
The relationship between blood group type and the incidence of diseases has been studied.1 Some studies reported possible link between blood group O and stomach cancer,2-5 bladder cancer in group A carriers6 and hepatocellular carcinoma in non-group (O) carriers
Saudi Journal of Kidney Diseases and TransplantationThe relationship between segmentation failure and spermatozoa motility characteristics
Dynamics of sperm motility (sperm velocity, percentage of motility and flagellar beat frequency) and monthly variations of semen characteristics (semen volume and osmolality and sperm concentration and motility) were studied. These criteria were used in the embryology laboratory and reproductive biology in the city of Lattakia, Syria, This study showed that sperm velocity, percentage of motility and beat frequency significantly and rapidly decreased after the activation of sperm motility. To study the dynamics of sperm motility parameters, twenty permeating males were randomly selected and electronically tagged to study the variations of semen characteristics. Specially we focused on the relationship between segmentation failure in cases treated with In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) to define the characteristics using the Computer Assisted Sperm Analysis (CASA).
American Journal of Biomedical and Life SciencesThe Detection of HER2 Gene Amplification in Breast Cancer by upQMPSF
The amplification of human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) gene in breast cancer identifies patients eligible for Trastuzumab therapy. immunohistochemistry (IHC) and/or fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) are the only FDA approved techniques for evaluating HER2 status. However, Interobserver variability is still a dilemma
Journal of Genetics and Genetic EngineeringHereditary Ovarian Cancer and Germline Mutations: Review Article
Ovarian cancer is the most lethal gynecologic malignancy, nearly 80% of patients are diagnosed at advanced stage disease (III/IV). Different risk factors are associated with ovarian cancer Obesity, High fat diet, Hormone replacement therapy, and most importantly a family history of breast/ovarian cancer and/or colon cancer. Close relative with ovarian cancer increases a woman’s risk of developing ovarian cancer by ~3 times
Chronic prostatitis is the first among men's genital diseases, affecting men at the age of 25-40 years. Many researchers have studied the various immune system episodes in chronic Prostatitis patients
International Journal of Dental and Health SciencesVisceral and Cutaneous Leishmaniases in a City in Syria and the Effects of the Syrian Conflict
War provides ideal grounds for the outbreak of infectious diseases, and the Syrian war is not an exception to this rule. Following the civil crisis, Syria and refugee camps of neighboring countries witnessed an outbreak of leishmaniasis.
The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene - Current IssueFetal Hemoglobin (HbF) levels in Sickle cell anemia patients in Lattakia, Syria
Sickle cell anemia (SCA) is a chronic hemolytic disorder. It is considered as a major health problem in Syria. The risk of this disease varies among patients worldwide. Fetal hemoglobin (HbF) decreases the severity of SCA by inhibiting the polymerization of sickle hemoglobin (HbS). The aim of this study is to determine the HbF levels in SCA patients. Blood samples were collected from 175 SCA patients. The level of HbF was more than 10%, High level of HbF in 126/175 Patients. The mean of HbF levels was 24.75± 18.8%, and varied according to age, gender, SCD complications. The relation between HbF and SCA complications is still unclear, therefore, more studies were recommended.
Research Journal of Pharmacy and TechnologyNeonatal Screening for Congenital Hypothyroidism at Obstetrics and Pediatrics Hospital in Lattakia, Syria
The main role of thyroid hormones is to maintain normal brain growth during a critical period of life. Congenital hypothyroidism (CH) is one of the most common cause of mental retardation
Research Journal of Pharmacy and TechnologyThe Prevalence of gallstones in patients with Sickle cell anemia in Lattakia-Syria
Sickle cell anemia SCA is considered a major health problem in Syria
Research Journal of Pharmacy and TechnologyEffect of direct electric current on human blood count
Direct Current (DC) is widely used in electrotherapy for disease treatment, with typical studies on the effect of DC on disease factors in the blood. The objective of this work was to study the effects of DC on human blood, and to determine the intensity of DC that safely flows through blood, and to know which components of blood are most affected by DC. The effects on the counts or levels of main blood components [Red Blood Cells (RBCs), White Blood Cells (WBCs), Platelets (PLTs), Hemoglobin (Hb), and Hematocrit (Hem)] were considered. DC intensities from 1 to 10 mA were passed through blood samples of ten healthy persons for periods of up to one hour. A blood test (blood count with white blood cell differential) was carried out before DC flow and after 5, 10, 15, 30, 45, and 60 minutes of treatment.
Songklanakarin J. Sci. TechnolNovel immunotherapeutic options for BCG-unresponsive high-risk non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer
High-risk non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer (HR-NMIBC) presents a challenge to many physicians due to its ability to resist Bacillus Calmette–Guérin (BCG) intravesical therapy and the substantial rate of progression into muscle-invasive bladder cancer (MIBC). Patients who are BCG-unresponsive have worse prognosis and thus require further management including radical cystectomy (RC), which significantly impacts quality of life. Moreover, the ongoing worldwide shortage of BCG warrants the need for policies that prioritize drug use and utilize alternative treatment strategies. Hence, there is a significant unmet need for bladder preserving therapy in this subset of patients.
online library wileyCentral giant cell granuloma formation in an edentulous area in the posterior portion of mandible: A case report
Central Giant Cell Granuloma (CGCG) is a non-neoplastic benign lesion. It is primarily observed in the maxilla and mandible, with the mandible being the more reported site of the lesion.
International Journal of Surgery Case ReportsAtypical Teratoid/Rhabdoid Tumor (AT/RT) is a rare aggressive neoplasm that mainly affects the pediatric population with a peak incidence in the first two years of life and a slight male predominance, whereas presentation of this neoplasm in older ages is extremely rare
NIH NLM LogoThis article presents a 54-year-old Syrian female who presented at our institution due to dysphagia, dyspnea, cervical swelling, and loss of appetite. Following clinical and radiological examinations, total thyroidectomy with lymph node dissection was performed. Microscopic examination revealed an infiltrative growth pattern of insular, trabecular, and solid formations of epithelial cells with scant eosinophilic cytoplasm, hyperchromatic nuclei, and bizarre mitotic figures with areas of necrosis. Subsequently, the final diagnosis was confirmed as a multifocal poorly differentiated thyroid carcinoma arising from a substernal goiter
citedriveAtypical teratoid/rhabdoid tumor of the central nervous system: Clinicopathological features of two challenging cases
Atypical Teratoid/Rhabdoid Tumor (AT/RT) is a rare aggressive neoplasm that mainly affects the pediatric population with a peak incidence in the first two years of life and a slight male predominance, whereas presentation of this neoplasm in older ages is extremely rare.
International journal of surgery case reportsPoorly differentiated thyroid carcinoma arising from substernal goiter: a case report
Poorly differentiated thyroid carcinomas represent a rare heterogeneous group of malignant tumors that constitute approximately 2-4% of all thyroid neoplasms. Substernal Goiter is defined as an enlargement of the thyroid gland that is located below the thoracic inlet. Malignant neoplasms arising from a substernal goiter were reported in only 2-3% of cases.
This case report has been reported in line with the SCARE Criteria.
annals-of-medicine-and-surgerySuperior mesenteric artery syndrome misdiagnosed and preceded by helicobacter pylori-induced gastritis: a rare diagnosis with misleading features
Superior mesenteric artery syndrome is a rare morbid vascular disorder that is defined as the decreasing in the aortomesenteric angle and the compression of the third part of the duodenum. This disorder mainly affects young adult females, and severe weight loss represents a leading predisposing factor.
annals-of-medicine-and-surgeryUnicystic ameloblastoma appeared as a massive multilocular entity: A case report with long-term follow-up
Unicystic ameloblastomas are a rare variant of ameloblastomas, which are characterized by slow growth and being relatively locally aggressive, with the main site of origin being the posterior portion of the mandible, it also refers to those cystic lesions that show clinical, radiographic, or gross features of a jaw cyst.
International Journal of Surgery Case ReportsPersistent non-valvular atrial fibrillation following COVID-19 in a young female with FGFR3 mutation: a challenging concern
In conclusion, despite the proposition of several mechanisms underlying the development of AF post COVID-19 including the inflammatory cytokine storm, viral endothelial damage, electrolytes abnormalities, and the decrease in angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 receptor availability, the absence of the risk factors in our case and the limited number of similar cases highlight the necessity of further studies highlighting life-threatening arrhythmia in younger ages. More efforts and attention may be
Current Research in Translational MedicineAutotransplantation of a lower third molar germ without its follicle immediately after removal of unrestorable first molar
Orthodontic autotransplantion can be defined as the placement of a tooth or tooth germ, with or without vitality, in a natural alveolus corresponding to another tooth, or in an artificially created alveolus for this end. Careful patient selection coupled with the selection of appropriate techniques are prerequisite for a good functional treatment and proper esthetic outcome. The purpose of this article was to report a case of a seventeen years old female patient who has undergone tooth autotransplantation, in which the patient was operated by replacing a non-restorable left mandibular first molar on the same side with that of lower third molar germ without its follicle from.
INTERNATIONAL DENTAL JOURNAL OF STUDENT’S RESEARCHClinical and radiographic outcomes of the use of Platelet-Rich Fibrin after Impacted Mandibular Third Molar Surgery: a controlled prospective study
Purpose This study was aimed to assess the clinical and radiographic outcomes of the use of platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) after Impacted Mandibular Third Molar extractions. Patients and Methods Forty extractions of bilateral impacted mandibular third molars were performed in 20 volunteers (8 men, 12 women; 18 to 24 years old). After extraction of right and left mandibular third molars, the socket at one side received the autologous PRF (test group) and the other was filled with blood clot (control group). Digital panoramic radiographs were obtained on (7 days 3, and 6 months) postoperatively The parameters evaluated included pain, swelling, maximum mouth opening , and bone formation .
Aim the purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the lower incisors crowding and the sagittal position of the chin in adolescents in the Syrian coast Materials and methods sample's study contained mandibular dental study casts, and lateral cephalometric graphs of a pretreatment patients who were undergoing orthodontic evaluation at the Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics at Tishreen University (18 males and 63 females of Syrian coast origin with mean age of 17.7 years).
International Journal of Current Medical and Pharmaceutical ResearchEvaluation of the Use of Plasma Rich in Growth Factors with Immediate Implant Placement into Fresh Extraction Sockets: A Controlled Prospective Study
his study was conducted to evaluate the use of plasma rich in growth factors (PRGFs) with immediate implant placement in periodontally compromised extraction sites. Fifteen patients with chronic periodontitis were included. Each received two implants placed immediately after extraction in the anterior region of the mandible. One of the two implants was treated with PRGFs (group I), while the other was not and served as a control (group II). Implant survival, plaque index (PI), bleeding index (BI), probing pocket depth (PPD), and marginal bone loss (MBL) were evaluated for both groups. Complete soft tissue healing occurred in all patients and all implants were successfully osseointegrated over 12 months.
steogenesis by “periosteal distraction (PDO) without corticotomy has been suggested as a new technique for bone augmentation. Various methods have been used to enhance bone healing in the distracted area. This study was aimed to evaluate the role of static periosteal distraction with plasma rich in growth factors (PRGFs) in a new bone formation
Osteogenesis by “periosteal distraction (PDO) without corticotomy has been suggested as a new technique for bone augmentation. Various methods have been used to enhance bone healing in the distracted area. This study was aimed to evaluate the role of static periosteal distraction with plasma rich in growth factors (PRGFs) in a new bone formation. Titanium mesh was placed between the periosteum and lateral surface of the mandible in 10 adult rabbits.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the role of internal layer of periosteum in a new bone formation in the dynamic periosteal distraction
Impacted mandibular third molar area (retromolar space ) has been a topic of interest for a long time, and one of the most investigated parameters for two reasons:1- the lower third molars are the second most frequently impacted teeth 2- the lack of space is considered to be the major cause of the radiographic diagnosis for this area is an important issue for orthodontists because of it's important role in mandibular third molar eruption wich play an impact on lower arch crowding and stability of orthodontic treatment.O
International Journal of Dental and Health SciencesEvaluate the use of peripheral venous blood alone in formation new bone under the maxillary sinus membrane: A literature review
Purpose: To review the literature associated with new bone formation in the maxillary sinus elevation using peripheral venous blood alone. Materials and Methods: A review of the literature was performed to record the study reference, design study, sinus lift method, number of patients, number of implants, follow up, bone gain and Perforation of sinus. A PubMed search was made from 2007 to 2017 with keywords: “sinus lift”, “Peripheral Venous Blood”, “new bone” and “maxillary sinus elevation”. Results: 11 articles were identified and reviewed. The Lateral Window method was followed in all the studied publications.
Airway management in patients undergoing maxillofacial surgery, the surgeon needs to control the dental occlusion and nasal pyramid assessment. For these reasons, oral and nasal endotracheal intubations are contraindicated. Tracheostomy often has perioperative and postoperative complications. Submental orotracheal intubation is now a recognized method of airway control during maxillofacial surgery. It provides a secure airway and does not interfere with maxilla mandibular fixation or access to naso- orbito - ethmoid fractures.
International Journal of Recent Scientific ResearchSUPERNUMERARY FOURTH MOLARS: A CASE REPORT
The purpose of this article is to report the case of the Supernumerary forth molar, which located on the left ramus. A 36-year-old male presented with pain and swelling on the left side of his face for three weeks. Then he was referred to our oral surgery department at Hama University. In our patient's history, he had no syndrome and no familial history. Whit radiological examination, panoramic radiograph showed that the lower left fourth molar located on the left ramus. Pain and swelling were controlled. Antibiotic and physiotherapy were started before surgery. The Supernumerary forth molar was retrieved under general anesthesia. Intraoral surgical approach was made to extract the forth molar. The follow up period was 6 months after surgery.
International Journal of Recent Scientific ResearchEffect of the use of platelets: Rich plasma (PRP) on periapical bone repair following Apicectomy on a sample of patients from the middle area in Syria
Purpose: To efficacy evaluation of using platelets rich plasma (PRP) on bone healing after eradication of maxillofacial cysts. Materials and Methods: 30 peak lesion cases that achieved on 28 patients. The sample was randomly divided into two groups. Group I: Practice plasma rich platlets on 14 patients after extraction of cyst lesion. Group II: Extracted of cyst lesion for 14 patients without adding plasma rich platlets. Cases were clinically and radio graphically follow-up after 3, 6 and 9 months. Results: PRP group showed bone reconstruction faster than the control group. There are statistical differences between groups in 1, 3, 6 and 9 months after surgery for management with PRP. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that using platelets rich plasma (PRP) provide bone reconstruction faster and better after eradication of maxillofacial cysts.
International Journal of Applied Dental SciencesThe relationship between segmentation failure and spermatozoa motility characteristics
Dynamics of sperm motility (sperm velocity, percentage of motility and flagellar beat frequency) and monthly variations of semen characteristics (semen volume and osmolality and sperm concentration and motility) were studied. These criteria were used in the embryology laboratory and reproductive biology in the city of Lattakia, Syria, This study showed that sperm velocity, percentage of motility and beat frequency significantly and rapidly decreased after the activation of sperm motility. To study the dynamics of sperm motility parameters, twenty permeating males were randomly selected and electronically tagged to study the variations of semen characteristics. Specially we focused on the relationship between segmentation failure in cases treated with In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) to define the characteristics using the Computer Assisted Sperm Analysis (CASA).
American Journal of Biomedical and Life SciencesSimvastatin, dosage and delivery system for supporting bone regeneration, an update review
The purpose of this review is to discuss the dosage, duration and carrier for simvastatin, and to summarize effects of topical application directly or indirectly for stimulating bone regeneration
Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Medicine, and PathologyBuccal fat pad flap in management of oroantral fistula: a retrospective study
Background: The oroantral fistula is a pathological communication between the maxillary sinus and oral cavity lined by epithelium. Aims and Objectives: To evaluate the use of pedicled buccal fat pad graft in the closure of oroantral fistula. Materials and Methods: A retrospective study was conducted on patients with oroantral fistulae treated by pedicled buccal fat pad graft from 2011 to 2014.
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DENTAL CLINICSClosure of Oroantral Fistula By Using Buccal Fat Pad or Buccal Advancement Flap: Comparative Study.
The aim of this study was to compare the clinical outcomes of buccal fat pad flap or buccal advancement flap in closure of the oroantral fistula. A total of 20 patients with oroantral fistulae were selected for this study.
IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical SciencesEvaluate the use of fresh Autogenous cement and dentine as bone graft to repair bone defects in dogs: experimental study
This study aimed to evaluate the role of fresh autogenous cement and dentine as bone graft to repair bone defects in dogs
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the marginal bone loss around immediate dental implants with synthetic Hydroxyapatite graft
International Journal of Current ResearchEvaluation The Role of Decortication of Cortical Bone in Bone Formation In Periosteal Distraction Osteogenesis: An Experimental Study in The Rabbits
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the role of decortication of cortical bone on bone formation in periosteal distraction osteogenesis
IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical SciencesEvaluation of the use of plasma rich in growth factors with immediate implant placement in periodontally compromised extraction sites: a controlled prospective study
This study was conducted to evaluate the use of plasma rich in growth factors (PRGFs) with immediate implant placement in periodontally compromised extraction sites.
The aim of this work is to review the literature on the role of periosteal distraction in osteogensis (PDO) in the cranio - maxillofacial region
The present study is designed to evaluate the marginal bone loss after immediate implant placement in mandibular molar region with autogenous versus synthetic hydroxyapatite graft
The aim of this work was to review the literature about The role of bone marrow mesenchyma stem cells BMSCs in bone healing in cranio-maxillofacial bone defects
The recent concept of periosteal distraction osteogenesis (PDO) is based on the potential of Mesenchymal Stem Cells (PMSCs) of the periosteum to differentiate into osteoblasts by mechanical stimulus of tension on the periosteum
International Journal of Current ResearchEfficacy of topical application of 4-aminomethyl-benzoic acid among extraction patients taking warfarin
Aims and Objectives: To evaluate the effect of topical Application of 4-Aminomethyl- Benzoic Acid (4-ABA) in Homeostasis of the bleeding after atraumatic tooth extraction in patients taking warfarin.
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DENTAL CLINICSThe relationship between Periodontal Disease Severity and Systemic Diseases: Retrospective study
To investigate the correlation between the periodontal disease severity and coexistence of systemic disease(s) amongst referred patients with periodontal disease to the department of periodontology, Al Andalus University for medical science.
International Dental Journal of Students Researchmarginal adaption and nano leakage investigation of three metal ceramic inlay designs - an invitro study
Aims and Objectives: To evaluate the influence of metal framework design on fracture strength, marginal adaptation and nano leakage of three designs of metal ceramic inlays. Materials and Methods: Three designs for metal ceramic inlays with different metal framework extension were studied: Group A - metal extension on all cavity walls, Group B- on all cavity walls but 1.5mm below cavo-surface margin, Group C- on pulpal, axial and ginigival walls. Empress 2 all-ceramic inlays were used as controls (Group D). The fabricated inlays were cemented into standardized resin teeth using adhesive resin cement.
This study was aimed to investigate the influence of bilateral impacted third molar angulation and position on the incisors crowding. The sample of this study consisted of 50 volunteers (35 males and 15 females) from the students of Al Andalus university for medical sciences, the sample was divided into three main groups according to the mandibular third impaction depth.
A critical size bone defect may arise due to severe trauma or tumors where a large portion of the bone is removed. In some instances, autografts cannot be used for filling such large defects. Allografts may be used to reconstruct large bone defects, but these grafts may not incorporate in the healing response. Consequently, it is still a challenge for reconstructive surgery to reconstruct large bone defects.
Oral health case Rep, an open access journalTOXICITY OF DENTAL AMALGAM : REVIEW
The subject of the toxicity of amalgam despite gave custody of which dates back to 1926, non-it is still the subject of debate and controversy between supporters and opponent of the claim that toxic as restored and re-toxicity of mercury compounds it contains. The purpose of this Study to review scientific articles that talked about the subject, whether in favor or against the use of amalgam and confirmation to follow the scientific method installer evidence for truth.
To review the literature associated with displaced lower third molars, to review the methods of retrieval an accidentally displaced lower third molar tooth
International Journal of Dental and Health SciencesFuture perspective of new tooth creation
Currently, outcomes of dental stem cells studies indicate that the tooth is an available source for clinical application. Finding a universal cell that can morph into many several types of oral tissues is a key for new tooth creation
Biomechanical assessment of orbital fractures using patient-specific models and clinical matching
Orbital wall fractures consider one of the most common fractures in the maxillofacial trauma. These fractures caused by two mechanisms, the buckling mechanism and hydraulic mechanism. This study aims to compare between the two mechanisms in terms of intensity and extension using the finite elements method.
Material and methods
Three-dimensional model of the skull was generated using computed tomography data of young male patient. Virtual loads were applied on the eyeball and the infra-orbital rim separately. Von Mises stresses were examined in each simulation.
The simulation predicted fractures on the infra-orbital rim and orbital floor when simulating the hydraulic mechanism, and on the orbital floor and mesial wall when simulating the buckling mechanism.
Biomechanical assessment of orbital fractures using patient-specific models and clinical matchingUnicystic ameloblastoma appeared as a massive multilocular entity: A case report with long-term follow-up
Unicystic ameloblastomas are a rare variant of ameloblastomas, which are characterized by slow growth and being relatively locally aggressive, with the main site of origin being the posterior portion of the mandible, it also refers to those cystic lesions that show clinical, radiographic, or gross features of a jaw cyst.
International Journal of Surgery Case ReportsSeparating a mixture of Re (VII), Mo (VI), V (V) and W (VI) ions using the thin layer electro-chromatography method on a thin layer of perlite
This paper presents a new method for separating Rhenium, Molybdenum, Vanadium and Tungsten ions on a thin layer of Perlite using the thin layer -electro-chromatography method. This method is based on the combination between chromatographic forces and electric forces by applying different voltages on the separation plate for different times using several electrolytes as different mobile phase concentrations, at different applying field duarations on the process. This method also shows the possibility of using Perlite as a thin layer in this kind of separation process, which can apply in the separation of other types of biochemistry and inorganic ions This relatively simple method is cost effective.
Science Journal of Analytical ChemistryOrally Disintegration Tablets – Patient Friendly Tablets
It is a worldwide known fact that patient compliance is one of the most crucial key factors in recovery and healing. Occasionally, hard-to-swallow tablets are one of the barriers against patient compliance. Hence, pharmaceutical industry has spawned many trials to create and develop new dosage forms for known drugs in order to make them much easier to be taken so that patients positively enjoy the experience. However, one of the most important dosage forms which gained a considerable attention of researchers and pharmaceutical industrialists over the last decades is Orally Disintegrating Tablets (ODTs) which disintegrate in mouth rapidly, usually within a matter of seconds, when placed upon the tongue without the need for water.
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and ResearchScreening of Antibacterial Activity In vitro of Arum maculatum L. Leaves Extracts
This study is conducted to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of one extract of Styrax officinalis L envelopes of berries plant belonging to the Styracae family collected from the coastal area surrounding the city of Lattakia, Syria. Many efforts have been made to discover a new antimicrobial from a variety of sources such as micro- organisms, animals and plants. One such source is Folk medicine. Systematic screening of them may result in the discovery of a new effective compound. These extracts are prepared with polar solvent (methanol) by the steeping extraction method.
A method was designed for the determination the amount of nickel in bronze. It was based on the adsorption of nickel on positive ion exchange of strong acid Amberlit CG-120 in form–H. HCl:acetone medium at pH=1 was used in order to separate other positive ions as chloride complexes. The fluids were filtered and the cation exchanger was treated with ammonium buffer solution pH=8-9, then it was treated with an ethanolic solution of Dimethylglyoxime. The determination of Nickel content was carried out using a spectrophotometer. Results indicated a content of 0.29±0.02%, whereas the nickel theoretical content was 0.31%. Using IR spectra, it was found that the adsorption of nickel on Amberlit CG-120 was due to covalent bonds with groups-SO3-, in the form of ammonium complexes.
Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical SciencesAlginate-pomegranate peels’ polyphenols beads: effects of formulation parameters on loading efficiency
Calcium alginate beads containing pomegranate peels’ polyphenol extract were encapsulated by ionic gelation method. The effects of various formulation factors (sodium alginate concentration, calcium chloride concentration, calcium chloride exposure time, gelling bath time maintaining, and extract concentration) on the efficiency of extract loading were investigated. The formulation containing an extract of 1 g pomegranate peels in 100 mL distilled water encapsulated with 3 % of sodium alginate cured in 0.05 M calcium chloride for 20 minutes and kept in a gelling bath for 15 minutes was chosen as the best formula regarding the loading efficiency. These optimized conditions allowed the encapsulation of 43.90% of total extracted polyphenols and 46.34 % of total extracted proanthocyanidins. Microencapsulation of pomegranate peels’ extract in calcium alginate beads is a promising technique for pharmaceutical and food supplementation with natural antioxidants.
Vitamin D deficiency is evident in many parts of the world, even in the sunnier regions, for a variety of reasons. Recently, vitamin D has been reported in many scientific researchers as an important factor that may have significant health benefits in the prevention and the treatment of many chronic illnesses such as depression. According to the Global Burden of Disease Study, depression is one of the world's leading causes of disability and affects 350 million people in all communities across the world.
International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical SciencesSYNTHESIS OF 3-CARBOXYLIC DERVATIVES OF 1, 5- BENZOTHIAZEPINES
A series of 3-carboxylic derivatives of disubstituted 1,5-benzodiazepines (5–9) was synthesized by hetero-cyclisation from 1,2-diaminobenzene (1) with dibenzoylmethane (2) followed by bromination on position 3 and by introduction of the carboxylic group or introduction of the malonic moiety. Reduction of the hetero-cycle gave the perhydro derivative diethyl (2,4-diphenyl-1,2,4,5-tetrahydro-3H-1,5-benzodiazepin-3-yl)malonate (9).
WORLD JOURNAL OF PHARMACY AND PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCESSynergistic effect of Thymbra spicata L. extracts with antibiotics against multidrug- resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Klebsiella pneumoniae strains
To evaluate the in vitro interaction between different extracts of Thymbra spicata L. and certain antimicrobial drugs of different mechanisms, including ampicillin, cefotaxime, amikacin and ciprofloxacin.
Iranian Journal of Basic Medical SciencesAssessment of physicochemical properties of metformin hydrochloride (850mg) tablets marketed in Syria
There are several generics of metformin hydrochloride tablets available within the drug delivery system globally. Numerous brands of Metformin tablets (850mg) are available in the Syrian drug market. The objective of this study is to determine the biopharmaceutical and chemical equivalence of five brands of Metformin tablets marketed in Syria.
Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical SciencesAssessment of physicochemical properties of furosemide (40mg) tablets marketed in Syria
There are several generics of furosemide tablets available within the drug delivery system globally. Numerous brands of furosemide (40 mg) are available in the Syrian drug market. The objective of this study is to determine the biopharmaceutical and chemical equivalence of three brands of furosemide tablets marketed in Syria.
Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical SciencesOptimization of extraction conditions for the recovery of phenolic compounds and antioxidants from Syrian olive leaves
In this study the effect of extraction conditions, solvent (type, composition), time and temperature, on the amount of phenolic compounds extracted from olive leaves obtained from Safita /Syria was investigated and the radical scavenging activity of these extracts was evaluated. The total phenolic content and the radical scavenging activity of olive leaves extracts were determined by Folin-Ciocalteu reagent and scavenging of DPPH (2,2- diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) radical, respectively. It was found that concentration of solvents (40% ethanol, 40% methanol, 80% acetone, and 6:2: acetone: ethanol: water) gave the highest total phenolic content and possess strong activity against the DPPH radicals (IC50 18.92, 25.01, 33.15, 37.19 μg Gallic acid /ml), respectively.
The current research aimed to develop and validate a simple, accurate and sensitive analytical method using spectrophotometer device in assaying raw material of atenolol and determination the content of atenolol in pharmaceutical tablets. Firstly, a solution of atenolol in hydrochloric acid (0.1N) was prepared and its absorption spectrum was examined in UV range against blank solution containing only hydrochloric acid (0.1N).
Self-medication is the selection and use of medicines by individuals to treat self-recognized illnesses or symptoms. Studies performed on self-medication reveal that it is a fairly common practice, especially in economically deprived communities.
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research.Comparative Study of Different Formulations of Chlorpheniramine Maleate Orally Disintegrating Tablets
Patient compliance is a key factor in recovery or healing, and hard-to-swallow tablets are one of barriers against patient compliance. The purpose of this study is to formulate and evaluate different formulations of Orally Disintegrating Tablets (ODTs) of Chlorpheniramine Maleate.
We aimed in this study to evaluate the effectiveness of Syrian propolis on some bacterial strains isolated from Al-Assad hospital in Latakia, to estimate its antimicrobial activity. Thus, we studied two propolis samples from two regions in the Syrian coast, and prepared ethanolic extracts of propolis (EEP) with different concentrations (0.5%, 1%, 5%, 10%, and 20%). Then we tested these extracts on four strains of bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, and Acinetobacter baumannii), using pore method on Muller Hinton Agar.
WORLD JOURNAL OF PHARMACY AND PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCESAntibacterial Activity of Asphodelin lutea and Asphodelus microcarpus Against Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Isolates
Objective: the present study aimed at evaluation of antibacterial activity of wild local Asphodelus microcarpus and Asphodeline lutea against methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolates.. Methods: Antimicrobial activity of the crude extracts was evaluated against MRSA clinical isolates using agar wells diffusion. Determination of minimum inhibitory concentration( MIC)of methanolic extract of two studied plants was also performed using tetrazolium microplate assay
International Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemical ResearchAnalysis of Prasugrel by Chromatography - Review
Prasugrel, being a potent platelet aggregation inhibitor, is used widely around the world to reduce cardiovascular risks in patients with stroke, myocardial infarction, and atherosclerosis. The aim of this review firstly to focus on a comprehensive update of chromatography determination of Prasugrel and its metabolites in human plasma, and in pharmaceutical preparations. It has been described using TLC, HPLC/MS, RP-HPLC, and UV methods. Secondly to localize the chromatographic conditions for separation and quantification. This review provides detailed information on separation conditions for Prasugrel alone, with Aspirin, and in the presence of its related compounds
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and ResearchANALYSIS OF CANAGLIFLOZIN, REVIEW
Canagliflozin, being a Sodium Glucose co-Transporter type 2 (SGLT2) Inhibitor, as a new class for treatment of Type 2 diabetes mellitus, offer a novel mechanism of action, which has been recently approved by USFDA for use in type 2 diabetes mellitus, either alone or in combination with other oral hypoglycaemic agents and insulin. The aim of this review firstly to focus on a comprehensive update of chromatography determination of Canagliflozin in bulk and in pharmaceutical preparations, In which has been described using TLC, HPLC/MS, RP-HPLC and UV methods. Secondly to localize the chromatographic conditions for separation and quantification. This review provides detailed information on separation conditions for Canagliflozin alone, with Metformin and in the presence of its degradation products.
World Journal of Pharmaceutical ResearchANALYTICAL METHODS OF PERINDOPRIL, REVIEW
Perindopril erbumine is an antihypertensive, which belongs to the category of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE inhibitors) that inhibit the conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II. The aim of this review is to focus on a comprehensive update of analytical methods for determination of Perindopril and its metabolites in human plasma and in pharmaceutical preparations. It has been described using TLC, RP-HPLC, GC, Mass and UV methods. This review provides detailed information on separation conditions for perindopril alone, perindopril in presence of its degradation products or with its combinations.
World Journal of Pharmaceutical ResearchDetermining the Amount of the Lead Impact via Light Spectrum in the Solid Phase
This study deals with developing a method to determine the impact of lead via the light spectrum in the solid phase. This method is characterized by selectivity, speed and ease in performing the analysis. It also allows secure detection of low (LOD) and high accuracy analysis (LOQ).
Olive tree leaves have been widely used in traditional medicine for its antioxidant, antihypertensive, hypoglycemic, hypocholesterolemic and cardioprotective activity. A clinical study was conducted to evaluate the antihypertensive effect of olive leaves herbal tea (50 g of dried and ground leaves in 250 ml of warm water/twice daily for 28 weeks) in type 2 diabetic patients (n=31, 13 women and 18 men) diagnosed with prehypertension.
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL AND MEDICAL RESEARCHEvaluation of Physical and Chemical Properties of Paracetamol (500mg) Tablets Marketed in Syria
Paracetamol is medicine in all country and accessible without a prescription. Many commercial types of paracetamol tablets (500mg) are available in the Syrian drug market. The objective of this article is to evaluate the physicochemical characterizes for five commercial types of paracetamol (500 mg) tablets marketed in Syria. Paracetamol was evaluated for mass uniformity, friability, hardness, content uniformity, and dissolution rate. All the groups complied with the pharmacopieal specifications for mass uniformity and friability tests. Two brands (B, D) passed the USP requirements for content uniformity with values (90-110%) while the remaining groups failed. Three tested groups released more than 80% drug in 30 minutes except group A and group C.
Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical SciencesDetermining the Concentration of Fluoride in some Water Bodies on the Syrian Coast using Fluoride Selective Electrode
This is a study of the concentration of fluoride in some water bodies on the Syrian Coast such as sea water, artesian wells, rivers, dams, wastewater and rain water. It offers a comparison between the concentration of Fluoride (F) standard of the World Health Organization (WHO) and that of the Syrian standard
Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical SciencesAntibacterial activity of various Syrian honey types against Pseudomonas aueruginosa
Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic pathogen causing severe, acute and chronic nosocomial infections in urinary and pulmonary tracts, burns and wounds. Currently, there is an urgent and global need for alternative antimicrobial strategies to fight the continuous rise of P. aeruginosa resistance to different antibiotics. This led to a re-evaluation of the therapeutic use of ancient medicines such as honey. Different concentrations ranging from 0.02-50% of six different Syrian honeys were used in this study against resistant P. aeruginosa. The minimum inhibitory concentration was determined using spectrophotometric at 620 nm. Carduoideae flowers, black seed, anise and oak honey samples showed a MIC of 12.5%, whereas the MIC of Montana and cotton honey samples was 25%. In conclusion, Syrian honey possesses an in vitro antibacterial activity against P. aeruginosa and could be an alternative topical choice in the treatment of wound infections.
Research Journal of Pharmacognosy and PhytochemistryExtracting and studying the antioxidant capacity of polyphenols in dry linden leaves (Tilia cordata)
Medicinal potentials of the flowers and leaves of Tilia species (Linden) make them valuable plants in pharmacognosy researches. The present study is an attempt to investigate the optimal conditions for the extraction of phenolic compounds from Tilia cordata leaves harvested from the coastal mountains located at the west of Syria.
Journal of Pharmacognosy and PhytochemistryArginine enzymatic deprivation and diet restriction for cancer treatment
Recent findings in amino acid metabolism and the differences between normal, healthy cells and neoplastic cells have revealed that targeting single amino acid metabolic enzymes in cancer therapy is a promising strategy for the development of novel therapeutic agents. Arginine is derived from dietary protein intake, body protein breakdown, or endogenous de novo arginine production and several studies have revealed disturbances in its synthesis and metabolism which could enhance or inhibit tumor cell growth. Consequently, there has been an increased interest in the arginine-depleting enzymes and dietary deprivation of arginine and its precursors as a potential antineoplastic therapy. This review outlines the most recent advances in targeting arginine metabolic pathways in cancer therapy and the different chemo- and radio-therapeutic approaches to be co-applied.
Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical SciencesIn vitro Evaluation of Helicobacter pylori and Ureases Inhibition Activity of Syrian Honey Samples
considering that Helicobacter pylori, a bacterium associated with a number of important upper gastrointestinal conditions, not always can be effectively eradicated by the traditional approaches, there is an interest in alternative therapies.
Current Enzyme InhibitionEpidemiological study of Leishmania parasite in Safita area - Tartous, Syria
This study aims to define the features of the epidemiological picture of leishmaniasis in Tartous through Safita district in collaboration with the health center of Leishmania in Safita province during the period 2010-2014.We adopted the recorded data of leishmaniasis cases from the Health center and made statistical analysis to evaluate the relationship of leishmaniasis prevalence with different variables. The results demonstrated increasing in both local and expatriate leishmaniasis cases and presence of carrier vector due to weakness of pest control and anti-insect factors.
Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical SciencesPhytochemical Study of Laurus Nobilis in Syria
This study was made to recognize the microscopic formation of Lauraus Nobilis leaves, which were collected from different places from Tartous, Syria. And the results showed: fibres and sclereids, oil cells, vessels, stomata and epidermis. Later, six extracts were obtained by using six different solvents: ethanol, methanol, n-hexan, acetic acid, chlorophorm, dichloromethane, these extracts were used for TLC analysis which showed that the L.nobilis contain: limonien, 1,8 cineol, linalool, terpinol. A part of the extracts were used for the chemical tests by using the suitable reagents that resulted the presence of Flavonoids, Alkolids and Tannins.
Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical SciencesArtificial sweeteners and their safety
The desirable taste for sugar is innate but too much consumption of sugar can cause tooth decay and some health complications such as obesity and diabetes, which lead to the prevalence of the sugar substitutes (sweeteners). Sugar substitutes are alimentary additives which have a sweet taste like sugar and can be either natural sweeteners or artificial sweeteners
Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical SciencesIsolation and Ultra-Purification of Oleic Acid Extracted from Olive Oil Using Urea Crystallization
Oleic acid is an omega-9 fatty acid that is found naturally in many vegetable sources and animal products The major component in olive oil is the triglyceride esters of oleic acid. This triglyceride is one of the sources of good cholesterol
Research Journal of Pharmacy and TechnologyReview Study on the Physiological Properties and Chemical Composition of the Laurus nobilis
The Laurus nobilis is one of the plants of the lauraceae species which has many physiological properties. It is an antimicrobial, antifungal, anti-oxidant and other properties that make laurel oil and its compounds a good and a valuable substance for use in pharmaceuticals and cosmetics, chemically contains many compounds such as: turbines, anthocyanins coumarins and others.
The Pharmaceutical and Chemical JournalAnti-Staphylococcus aureus efficacy of six natural honey samples originated from Syria
Honey possesses many beneficial effects including antimicrobial properties which have drawn considerable interest. Six types of natural honey originating from Syria were randomly selected and tested for their antimicrobial effects against Staphylococcus aureus isolated from wound swabs. All the six types of honey showed antibacterial activity, however, Nagilla sativa honey sample was the most potent with a MIC of 25% (w/v%). Results of this study indicate that the antibacterial activity of locally available honey varies depending on their floral source. Further work is needed to identify factors which determine the antimicrobial efficacy of these different honey types. Their good antibacterial potencycould potentially be explored in vivo for the treatment of wound infections in patients.
Research Journal of Pharmacognosy and PhytochemistryAnalytical Methods of Ciprofloxacin and its Combinations Review
Ciprofloxacin is a second generic and an antibiotic generic drug. It is a very popular fluoroquinolone that can treat a number of bacterial infections. The quinolones are family or a group that has activity against both-negative and positive-gram bacteria, when compared to Ciprofloxacin. The first aim of this review is to provide a comprehensive update of analytical methods for determining the Ciprofloxacin and its combinations, binary or triple mixture use of endodontic treatment of primary teeth using a combination of antibacterial drugs. The other aim of this review is to evaluate clinical and radiographic success of the endodontic treatment of infected primary teeth using a combination of ciprofloxacin, metronidazole, minocycline, and clindamycin. Several methods were used in the analytical determination of Ciprofloxacin and its metabolites in human biological fluids (plasma) and in pharmaceutical preparations.
Research Journal of Pharmacy And TechnologyDetermination of Clopidogrelbisulphate using Drug Selective Membranes
Newly developed ion selective electrode has been developed for determination of Clopidogrelbisulphate(CLP) in pure form and pharmaceutical preparations. The selective electrode was constructed from Clopidogrel with pairing agent Nesslerreagentin presence of di-n-butyl phthalate (DBP) as the plasticizing solvent mediator.
Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology · May 2018Determination of Prasugrel Hydrochloride in Bulk and Pharmaceutical Formulation Using New Ion Selective Electrodes
The construction and performance characteristics of Prasugrel hydrochloride (PRS) selective electrodes were developed. Electrodes were based on the incorporation of PRS with pairing agents, Ammonium Molybdate (MOL) and Nessler reagent (NES).
Wound dressings are frequently developed by introducing new products to target different aspects of the wound healing process. Many medicated dressings incorporated with natural extracts and chemicals have been developed. Chronic wounds could be invaded by many bacteria and Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureusare the most common
Universal Journal of Pharmaceutical ResearchThe Influence of Temperature and Moisture on the Physical and Chemical Properties of Metformin Hydrochloride Tablets (850 mg) Marketed in Syria
Stability is an essential factor of quality, safety, and efficacy of a drug product. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of moisture and temperature on metformin hydrochloride tablets (850 mg) marketed in Syria.
Objective: Pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) hull are usually discarded as waste, which can lead to environmental pollution even a significant portion of polyphenols are often present in high concentrations in the outer parts of fruits. In this way, using a pistachio hull as a source of bioactive compounds will increase the value of pistachio production and offer valorization for a useless by-product. Methods: Different ethanol concentrations (5, 10, 25, 50, 75 and 95 %) were investigated and the extraction efficiency at extraction temperature from 20 to 90 °C and extraction times from 5 to 45 min was studied. The extraction yield of total polyphenols and proanthocyanidins from the pistachio hull and the antioxidant activity of the extract were evaluated.
International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical SciencesMaterials and Methods for cleaning dentures- a review
Todays dentists and patients has the awareness that accumulation of plaque on dentures has an impact on patients general health. Patients are willing to learn proper oral hygienic techniques and use of advanced materials for the maintenance of the dentures. Dentists have an obligation to motivate and instruct the patient and provide the means and methods for plaque control. This review paper discuss current materials and methods for cleansing dentures and different ways for maintaining oral hygiene.
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DENTAL CLINICSStructured lipids: methods of production, commercial products and nutraceutical characteristics
Structured lipids (SLs) are generally defined as triacylglycerols (TAGs) that have been modified to change the fatty acid composition and/or their positional distribution in glycerol molecules by chemical and/or enzymatic reactions and/or by genetic engineering processes.
The objective of the present study was to develop extended release (ER) matrix tablets of methyldopa using hydrophilic hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) alone and in combination with hydrophobic ethylcellulose (EC), and to study the effect of some formulation variables (HPMC viscosity grade and combination with hydrophobic polymer in different ratio) on the properties of prepared tablets.
Leaves and flowers of Inula viscosa (L.) were collected from fields in Al-Qadmous, Syria. Essential oil was isolated by classical method of hydro distillation using the Clevenger-type apparatus.
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and ResearchSpectrophotometric Determination of Haloperidol in Pure Form and Pharmaceutical Formulation using Calcon and Amido Black
Two simple, rapid and sensitive spectrophotometric methods have been developed for determination of Haloperidol (HP) in pure form and pharmaceutical formulations. A good sensitive colour reaction has been developed, based on the fact that Haloperidol (HP) reacts with a Calcon (Cal) or Amido Black (AB), to form an ion-association complex in acidic buffer solution, giving pink color with Calcon and blue color with Amido Black, the absorbance of chloroform extracted complexes were measured at 531 nm and 626 nm respectively. The effects of analytical parameters on the reported systems were investigated.
indian journalsScreening of Antibacterial activity in Vitro of Cyclamen hederifolium tubers Extracts
This study was conducted to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of four extracts of Cyclamen hederifolium tubers plant belonging to the Primulaceae (Myrisinaceae) family collected from the coastal surrounding, Lattakia, Syria.
rjpt onlineImpact of Phytochemicals and Dietary Patterns on Epigenome and Cancer
Cancer remains one of the leading causes of death around the world. Initially it is recognized as a genetic disease, but now it is known to involve epigenetic abnormalities along with genetic alterations. Epigenetics refers to heritable changes that are not encoded in the DNA sequence itself, but play an important role in the control of gene expression.
tandf onlineScreening of Antibacterial Activity In vitro of Styrax officinalis L. Covers of Berries Extracts
This study is conducted to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of one extract of Styrax officinalis L envelopes of berries plant belonging to the Styracae family collected from the coastal area surrounding the city of Lattakia, Syria.
Self-medication is the selection and use of medicines by individuals to treat self-recognized illnesses or symptoms. Studies performed on self-medication reveal that it is a fairly common practice, especially in economically deprived communities.
International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and ResearchTricyclic Sesquiterpenes from Marine Origin
The structure elucidation, biosynthesis, and biological activity of marine carbotricyclic sesquiterpene compounds are reviewed from the pioneering results to the end of 2015.
Chemical ReviewsAnalyze Study of Water in Emergency Departments at General Hospitals of the Syrian Coast
n this paper, the samples of Emergency departments water were collected in sterilized flasks from general hospitals of the Syrian Coast, during the period (15/5/2015 to 20-11 - 2015).
Research Journal of Pharmacy and TechnologyIdentification and Characterization of Prasugrel Degradation Products by GC/MS, FTIR and 1H NMR
The objective of the present work was to separate, identify and characterize the degradation products of Prasugrel hydrochloride under hydrolytic and oxidative stress conditions according to the International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) guideline Q1A (R2).
Research GateDevelopment of Rapid, Simple and Stability-Indicating Method for Determination of Azithromycin Using RP-HPLC
An accurate, sensitive, precise and stability indicating (in accordance with ICH guidelines) reversed phase high performance liquid chromatographic (RP-HPLC) method of analysis of Azithromycin was developed and validated.
Asian Pharma PressEpidemiological study of Leishmania parasite in Safita area- Tartous, Syria
This study aims to define the features of the epidemiological picture of leishmaniasis in Tartous through Safita district in collaboration with the health center of Leishmania in Safita province during the period 2010-2014.We adopted the recorded data of leishmaniasis cases from the Health center and made statistical analysis to evaluate the relationship of leishmaniasis prevalence with different variables
Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical SciencesComparative Analysis of Ascorbic Acid Content and Antioxidant Activity of Some Fruit Juices in Syria
Fruits are considered essential constituents of a healthy diet. They possess antioxidant properties which can be attributed to the presence of antioxidant compounds. Ascorbic Acid (AA) is a water soluble antioxidant, abundant in fresh fruits and juices and considered as one of the most important contributors to the total antioxidant activity of fruits and vegetables
Research Journal of Pharmacy and TechnologyAnalytical Methods of Ciprofloxacin and its Combinations Review. Journal Name: Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology
Ciprofloxacin is a second generic and an antibiotic generic drug. It is a very popular fluoroquinolone that can treat a number of bacterial infections. The quinolones are family or a group that has activity against both - negative and positive –gram bacteria, when compared to Ciprofloxacin.
Research Journal of Pharmacy and TechnologyVisceral and Cutaneous Leishmaniases in a City in Syria and the Effects of the Syrian Conflict
War provides ideal grounds for the outbreak of infectious diseases, and the Syrian war is not an exception to this rule. Following the civil crisis, Syria and refugee camps of neighboring countries witnessed an outbreak of leishmaniasis.
The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene - Current IssueToxoplasma gondii: Fact Review
Here the general aspects of Toxoplasma gondii infection will reviewed in short, Generally, Toxoplasma gondii is a parasite that causes the toxoplasmosis with complications varying from mental diseases to death
Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical SciencesA Study in the epidemiology of Tuberculosis in the province of Tartous- Syria for the period 2012-2016
This study aims to identify the epidemiological profile of tuberculosis in Tartous governorate, due to the increase in the number of infections in the governorate during the period (2012-2016)
Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical SciencesPrevalence of intestinal helminths infection in patients reporting to the microbiological laboratory at Tishreen University Hospital, Lattakia, Syria, during the years 2016-2017
The study was conducted with the aim of detecting intestinal helminth infection in those living in Lattakia Governorate, and to determine their species and prevalence through laboratory screening of stool samples for patients visiting the Microbiology Laboratory at Tishreen University Hospital - Lattakia during the years 2016 - 2017.
Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical SciencesDetection of helminthes eggs in the water of Al - Sourani dam reservoir in Tartous province – Syria
The study was conducted on samples of Al-Sourani dam reservoir water (Al- Sheikh Badr - Tartous province) for proving or denying the presence of parasitic helminthes eggs during the period from October 2015 to September 2016
Tishreen University Journal for Research and Scientific StudiesAntibacterial Activity of Essential Oils of Rosmarinus officinalis, Salvia officinalis and Anthemis nobilis Widespread in the Syrian Coast
We aimed in this study to determine the antibacterial efficacy of essential oils of Rosmarinus officinalis, Salvia officinalis leaves and Anthemis nobilis flowers widespread in the Syrian coast against several strains of Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Research Journal of Pharmacy and TechnologyEffect of Alginate and Chitosan Edible Coating Enriched with Olive Leaves Extract on the Shelf Life of Sweet Cherries (Prunus avium L.)
Edible film coatings are widely used as a protective barrier for the reduction of transpiration and respiration, therefore reducing the ripening process in fruits and vegetables and improving their quality. The influence of chitosan 1% and alginate 3% enriched with olive leaves extract (OLE) on the quality of sweet cherries was studied. Overall, the ripening process and the increase in anthocyanins were found to be delayed with the use of coating particularly those composed of chitosan in combination with OLE. Ascorbic acid and total phenolic contents were recorded with restricted loss at the end of 20 days of storage in both chitosan- and alginate-coated samples enriched with OLE.
Journal of Food QualityParameters Influencing Phenolic compounds extraction from Pistacia palaestina fruits during different stages of Maturity
Pistacia species are used in food industry and as medicinal for the remedy for various diseases
Research Journal of Pharmacy and TechnologyMethods of Spectroscopy for Selenium Determination: A Review
Selenium (Se) is cumulative nonmetallic element that occurs naturally in a range of oxidation states as volatile species or analogues of organic sulphur compounds
Research Journal of Pharmacy and TechnologyZIKA VIRUS: A BRIEF REVIEW
This review highlights the Zika virus which is considered a global concern due to its rapid pandemic potential and effect on humans
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical ResearchQuantitative determination of albendazole forced degradation percentages by densitometric thin layer chromatographic method
Simple densitometric thin layer chromatographic method has been applied in this study to proceed forced degradation test of albendazole by subjecting drug to acidic, alkaline, oxidative, thermal
Research Journal of Pharmacy and TechnologyContamination of Water with Helminth Eggs: A Case Study of Sourani Dam lake-Tartus Governorate
Objective: In view of the serious prevalence of helminth and ease of infection, our research focuses on the detection of the prevalence of helminth eggs in the Sourani Dam Lake (Tartus governorate) water reflecting the health services and environmental circumstances in this region.
Methods: The study was carried out on water samples of AL-Sourani Dam Lake with the aim to investigate the quality of water from October 2015 to September 2016 and verify the existence of helminth eggs according to their characteristics.
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical ResearchEbola Virus: An Overview Disease and Treatment
: Ebola virus disease (EVD) is a life-threatening viral disease. Death rate ranges between 30% and 90%
Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical ResearchContinued Progress towards Elimination of Lymphatic Filariasis
Lymphatic filariasis is one of the most debilitating neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). It causes many infectious diseases leading to physical disabled, mental, social and financial losses. Since the year 2000, the World Health Organization (WHO) has launched a campaign to eliminate lymphatic filariasis, and significant achievements have been made in limiting the prevalence of disease in endemic regions. We will highlight certain points on Global Programme to Eliminate Lymphatic Filariasis (GPELF) and review the possibility of vaccine development against lymphatic filariasis in humans.
Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical SciencesVitamin D: Structure and Physiological Importance
Vitamin D is a steroid hormone. Our body can synthesize vitamin D upon exposure to sunlight unlike all other vitamins, or obtain it from fortified foods or dietary supplements. Interesting aspects have been clarified lately about this vitamin metabolism in the living cell and its different physiological roles concerning mineral and bone homeostasis, cardiovascular function, renal diseases, cancer and immune system modulation. This review summarizes the impact of vitamin D and vitamin D metabolites (25-hydroxy vitamin D [25(OH)D] and 1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D [1,25(OH)2D]) in the human body
Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical SciencesAnthocyanin pigments: Structure and biological importance
Anthocyanins are coloured water-soluble pigments representing one of the major subclasses of compounds. They rarely exist in nature as free aglycons, instead, they attach to one or more sugar moieties. Anthocyanins are found within different plant organs; flowers, leaves, fruits, roots, tubers and grains. They appear in different attractive colours depending on their structure, pH, and other factors. These compounds gained a lot of attention in the last few years as food colourants replacing chemical dyes, besides their role in enhancing plant tolerance against many abiotic stresses such as salinity, drought, excessive light, ultraviolet radiation and cold stress. Besides, previous studies demonstrated the importance of anthocyanins in human health and their protective properties against chronic diseases.
Over the past few decades, anthropogenic activities contributed to the depletion of the ozone layer, which increased the levels of solar ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation reaching the Earth`s surface. Generally, UV-B is harmful to all living organisms. It damages the cell`s Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), proteins, and lipids, and as a consequence, it affects the bio-membranes negatively. In this review, we summarize the major effects of UV-B in the plant`s main molecules and physiological reactions, in addition to the possible defence mechanisms against UV-B including accumulating UV-B absorbing pigments to alleviate the harmful impact of UV-B.
The Journal of National Agricultural and Food CentreStudy In Epidemiology of Cancer In Syrian Arab Republic Between 2008-2012
The study included an epidemiological survey of cancer cases in the Syrian Arab Republic for the period between 2008-2012. The study was conducted according to international standards established by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and the International Association of Cancer Records (IACR). The data were collected and classified according to age, gender, place of incidence and city of residence. Then they were scheduled, graphically illustrated, and statistically analyzed. 46447 new cancer cases were reported during the period of study; 24240 cases among males, 22207 cases among females and 2008 cases between children (<15 years old). The data showed an increase in the new reported cases between 2008 and 2010, and that increment was followed by a decline in the total reported cases until 2012. The survey indicated that breast cancer was the most common type of cancer among females,
British Journal of Medical and Health ResearchSARS-COV-2 Pandemic in Syria: Symptoms and Treatments
SARS-CoV-2 has caused global pandemic that resulted in a dramatic loss of human life worldwide. The first human case was reported in December 2019 in China, and while the first case in Syria was confirmed on March 2020. By July 1st, 2021, 25551 cases were reported in Syria with 1879 deaths. The most common symptoms of covid-19 are fever, dry cough, and shortness of breath. Some patients may endure from musculoskeletal, gastrointestinal and dermatologic symptoms. Many drugs (including antibiotics, corticosteroids, antiviral and Immunomodulatory drugs) have been evaluated and recommended to be used in COVID-19 treatment, resulting in clinical recovery.
British Journal of Medical and Health ResearchSocietal Usage Of Antibiotics In The Syrian Coastal Region During 2021
This study is based on an electronic questionnaire about the use of antibiotics. It investigates the knowledge about antibiotics and their resistance among the Syrian coastal people. 639 individuals responded to the questionnaire. The results show that there is fairly good information about those drugs. Yet, there is much to be done to spread the awareness in the whole community, especially with regards to enact laws that prohibit antibiotics purchase without a prescription. Doctors on the other hand, should give antibiotics only on necessity. People also have to be well educated about antibiotics resistance, which is an inevitable consequence to the misuse of those drugs.
British Journal of Medical and Health ResearchCOVID-19 INCIDENCES AND SYMPTOMS AMONG CHILDREN
COVID-19 is an illness caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which belongs to beta-coronaviruses. SARS-CoV-2 has caused a pandemic since it was reported in December 2019 in Wuhan, China. The data about the severity of this viral infection in children increased gradually with the appearance of the new variants, but they are still limited compared to the data of adults. Generally, Children with COVID-19 are asymptomatic or have mild symptoms. The most common symptoms include fever, headache, cough, rhinorrhea, sore throat, myalgias, fatigue and gastrointestinal manifestations.
Monkeypox is a zoonotic disease caused by the monkeypox virus of the genus Orthopoxvirus genus and Poxiviridae family. Many animal species, including rodents and monkeys, can transmit the virus. However, the natural reservoir is unknown yet. It can be transmitted to humans via close contact with infected animal or person, or contaminated materials. Monkeypox virus was first detected in 1958 among cynomolgus monkey’s colony in Denmark. The first human case of monkeypox was reported in September 1970 in a 9-month-old child with smallpox-like vesicular skin lesions. This virus usually affects humans and animals living in Central and West Africa, yet it led to several outbreaks previously out of Africa since its discovery. Since 7 May 2022, monkeypox started to appear again in non-endemic countries. By 29 July 2022 at 9:00 PM (GMT), 22485 confirmed cases were recorded worldwide.
Bulletin of Pharmaceutical Sciences. AssiutListeria monocytogenes: Mechanisms of Pathogenesis and Antimicrobial Resistance
Listeria monocytogenes is nonspore-forming, gram-positive rods, it is a widespread bacterium; it can survive for a long time in different environments such as food, soil, water, and feces causing adverse health impacts in both animals and humans. Because of its pathogenesis mechanism combined with its ubiquity, It's considereda serious concern. Invasive listeriosis could be without symptoms until 1-4 weeks after infection. It causes serious complications especially in pregnant women, newborn babies, and people with weakened immunity if left untreated. An example of its outbreak what happened in South Africa in January 2018, which resulted in 180 deaths.
Bulletin of Pharmaceutical SciencesA study on the epidemiology of COVID-19 in the Banias and Alkadmos areas of Syria during 2021
Aims: Coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) is an ongoing global pandemic. In Syria, the first case was reported in March 2020. This study was aimed to investigate the incidences of COVID-19 in the Banias and Alkadmos areas in Tartus, Syria, in 2021. Methodology and results: Our data were obtained from the records of Banias and Alkadmos hospitals. The results were inferred by analysing data for 1026 COVID-19 patients. About 58.4% of total cases were among males and 41.6% were among females. Most patients were living in rural areas; 73% compared to 27% in urban ones. The severity of the disease varied between patients. About 67.4% of cases needed to be hospitalized for treatment, most of which were from the elderly. The same was noticed with the mortality rate, with 14.5% of total cases and 66.4% of them were older than 65
Malaysian Journal of MicrobiologyA Comprehensive Study on Nanoparticle Drug Delivery to the Brain: Application of Machine Learning Techniques
The delivery of drugs to specific target tissues and cells in the brain poses a significant challenge in brain therapeutics, primarily due to limited understanding of how nanoparticle (NP) properties influence drug biodistribution and off-target organ accumulation. This study addresses the limitations of previous research by using various predictive models based on collection of large data sets of 403 data points incorporating both numerical and categorical features. Machine learning techniques and comprehensive literature data analysis were used to develop models for predicting NP delivery to the brain. Furthermore, the physicochemical properties of loaded drugs and NPs were analyzed through a systematic analysis of pharmacodynamic parameters such as plasma area under the curve. The analysis employed various linear models, with a particular emphasis on linear mixed-effect models (LMEMs) that demonstrated exceptional more....
ACS PublicationsA Comprehensive Study on Nanoparticle Drug Delivery to the Brain: Application of Machine Learning Techniques
The delivery of drugs to specific target tissues and cells in the brain poses a significant challenge in brain therapeutics, primarily due to limited understanding of how nanoparticle (NP) properties influence drug biodistribution and off-target organ accumulation.
ACS Publications. Most Trusted. Most Cited. Most ReadInnovative Microencapsulation of Polymyxin B for Enhanced Antimicrobial Efficacy via Coated Spray Drying
This study aims to develop an innovative microencapsulation
method for coated Polymyxin B, utilizing various
polysaccharides such as hydroxypropyl β-cyclodextrin, alginate, and
chitosan, implemented through a three-fluid nozzle (3FN) spray
drying process. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)
analysis revealed that formulations with a high ratio of sugar cage,
hydroxypropyl β-cyclodextrin (HPβCD), and sodium alginate
(coded as ALGHCDHPL
PM) resulted in a notable 16-fold increase in
Polymyxin B recovery compared to chitosan microparticles.
Morphological assessments using fluorescence labeling confirmed
successful microparticle formation with core/shell structures.
Polymeric nanoparticles loaded with vincristine and carbon dots for hepatocellular carcinoma therapy and imaging
Chemotherapy for hepatoblastoma is limited by organ toxicity and poor outcomes, prompting the search for new, more effective treatments with minimal side effects. Vincristine sulfate, a potent chemotherapeutic, faces challenges due to P-glycoprotein-mediated resistance and its systemic toxicity. Nanoparticles offer a promising solution by improving pharmacokinetics, targeting tumor cells, thus reducing side effects. Moreover, the use of fluorescent nanomaterials is emerging in biomedical applications such as bioimaging, detection and therapies.
Scientific ReportsPersistent non-valvular atrial fibrillation following COVID-19 in a young female with FGFR3 mutation: a challenging concern
In conclusion, despite the proposition of several mechanisms underlying the development of AF post COVID-19 including the inflammatory cytokine storm, viral endothelial damage, electrolytes abnormalities, and the decrease in angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 receptor availability, the absence of the risk factors in our case and the limited number of similar cases highlight the necessity of further studies highlighting life-threatening arrhythmia in younger ages. More efforts and attention may be
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the set of ε − optimal solutions to optimization problems from a metrical point of view, and generalize some results in literature that are dealing from a topological point of view. Precisely, we show that the sequence ( ) n f is epigraphical distance convergent to f if and only if for each ε > 0 , the sequence of sets (ε −arg min f n ) is epigraphical distance convergent to (ε −arg min f ) . An analogous result holds for ε − subdifferentials of convex lower semi-continuous functions defined on a Banch space and also for ε − projctions of a point to convex closed subset in X .
In the context of expansion of using Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks-VANETs in the medical field around the world, studying the attacks on these networks becomes an urgent need to overcome these attacks and to serve a safe use in medical applications. In this paper, we will focus on a fabrication attack scenario which is one of the most dangerous attacks on VANETs’ reliability. Our simulations are built using VANET-SIM simulator, in which we study the fabrication attack using three different scenarios that is taking place in Lattakia city.
International Journal of Computer Science Trends and TechnologyImpact of the Emission Fluorescent Dyes Properties and Radiation heat transfer on Cotton Knitted Fabrics
the past 20 years there has been a remarkable Growth in the use of fluorescence in the biological sciences1. The sensitivity, simplicity, and selectivity of Fluorescence-based techniques make them particular attractive for in vitro and in vivo cellular and molecular biology studies[2]. Fluorescent dyes are used according to fashion trends in leisurewear clothes, especially sportswear and in the work clothes worn outside [5].
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering ResearchComparison of MANET Routing Protocols Used in Home Health-Monitoring System for Elderly Patients
Lately, many researchers have focused on implementing the Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) in medical applications. However, Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs) promise to revolutionize health care in the near future. WBAN medical applications show great promise in improving the quality of life of people and satisfying many requirements of elderly people by enabling them to live safely, securely, healthily and independently. In this paper, we have simulated and analyzed well-known MANET routing protocols in WBAN of elderly long-term health monitoring system to determine which of them is much efficient to overcome MANET challenges in the medical applications. Various performance parameters used for comparison such as end-to-end delay, throughput, and packet loss ratio.
International Journal of Science and ResearchSchwartz Space and Differentiability of Fourier Transform
One of the reasons that the Fourier transform is so useful is that it converts operations on function f in to different operations on the function ˆ f . In this paper we discuss some properties of differentiability of Fourier transform and we generalize the results that are stated by many other authors, and we give some propriety in Schwartz's space S using the main result. Mathematics Subject Classification. 43A15, 43A32, 43A62.
International Journal of Novel Research in Physics Chemistry & MathematicsIncreasing Patients' Privacy While Using Search Engines and Social Media Websites
Search engines and social media websites offer us great services, but they collect their users' information, which could be considered as a privacy violation. It requires some serious work to increase user's privacy level while using search engines services or surfing social media websites, and especially for patients, whom records are considered confident, and these websites are capable to create a medical profile for each of them. Our contribution in this paper is to propose a new method that enables us to increase users' privacy level while using existing search engines and social media websites without replacing them, in a way that disables those websites from accessing users' information.
International Journal of Science and ResearchInvestigating the Relationship between Thermochromic Pigment Based knitted Fabrics Properties and Human Body Temperature
Thermochromic based pigment considered as one of the most functional dyes that used to give new functions to the fabrics which have been printed by them. The aim of this research is to approve the benefits of applying of the thermochromic based pigment on the knitted interlock fabrics for detection of skin temperature indication of physical exhaustion of the human body, the samples made of cotton, wool and polyester fabrics have been printed by using screen printing technology
The study of genetic mutations, that is responsible for diseases , is an important issue in genetics for its close relationship with the genetic evolution of living organisms , In this paper we present an algorithm that is bases on the Hidden Markov Models of recognition to the mutation that causes one of the most common genetic diseases, Sickle Cell disease, thus diagnoses the person state (infected, uninfected) , This method is applied to DNA sequence , Deoxyribonucleic acid, the practical application shows that the rate of recognition of an infected person equals (99%) and the rate of recognition of a healthy person equals (86.33%) ,All the code is written by using statistical program R.
The Syrian crisis threw its weight on all aspects of social, economic and followed by a parallel rise in the census number of amputations in the upper and lower extremities, which imposed a great interest on the design and of the prostheses. On the other hand, the prostheses design and manufacturing should be achieved according to scientific and academic bases in order to ensure their effectiveness and suitability to the requirements of the patient. For this reason, this study was suggested to summarize previous works for all topics related to the design and manufacturing of lower prosthetics, starting from obtaining the digital model of the stump, passing through the most important principles used to suspend an artificial limb, and finally a summary of the methods used to test the designed parts before their fabrication.
The aim of this paper is to study and generalize some results and properties with the Moreau-Yosida function of one variable for convex functions
International Journal of Novel Research in Physics Chemistry & MathematicsEnhanced DNA Cryptography for Wireless Body Sensor Networks
A Wireless Body Sensor Network (WBSN), is a network of sensors that worn or deployed on a person's body. This network plays an important role in medical field, where it allocates the vital information from the body and transmit it wirelessly to a central station to process it.We need to provide security and privacy for sent data because of the sensitivity of this information. In this paper, we propose an enhanced DNA cryptography technique that depending on nucleotides relationship concept to generate a data encrypted stream represent the sensors allocated data, so the intruder will not be able to modify this data while he is not knowing the technique of encryption, which provides a secure and private data transmission.
International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication EngineeringReducing Energy Consumption in WBSNs using Statistic Test to detect Duplicated Data
Duplication and redundancy in WBSNs refer to collect the same vital signs, using sensor attached on the patient body, over a period of time. Transmitting duplicated and similar data well consume the sensor battery faster, and increase the traffic in the network. Therefore, in this paper, we introduce a lightweight technique to detect duplicates data, using statistic test to identify the similarity between the data. Then preventing the sensor from sending this duplicated data,which leads to increase the lifetime of the sensor, and reduce energy consumption.
International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (A High Impact Factor, Monthly, Peer Reviewed Journal)Controlling a Wheelchair Using Human-Computer Interaction
In this paper, a prototype of an interactive wheelchair for quadriplegics and amputees is presented. Quadriplegics are people who are the victims of partial or complete paralysis of both upper and lower limbs; this is often the cause of a spinal cord injury or a disease in the area around the neck. The design presented in this paper is based on the field of Human-Computer Interaction, in which the face features of the quadriplegic are used to give him/her the opportunity to realize his/her needs. The face gestures are transformed to electrical signals using python programming language and the well-known OpenCv library for image processing. Signals are furthermore transmitted to an Arduino Uno microcontroller, which gives the orders to the wheelchair to move according to the patient’s wish. The design was evaluated and the results were analysed.
International Journal of Science and ResearchAnalysis Study of Routing Protocols Performance and RSU Attack for E-Call Service in VANET
The aim of our paper is to study some protocols used in Vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANET) for medical applications, using the Network Simulator (NS2), by applying two scenarios. The first is applied in a crowded area such as city centers, and the second is applied to the less crowded areas such as the countryside. In addition, we study the types of attacks on these networks and their effects on the network, we will focus our study on the analysis of the RSU attack based on the VANETSIM simulator and discuss the results.
International Journal of Computer Science Trends and TechnologyA New Secure Wireless Body Sensor Network Architecture
A wireless body sensor network (WBSN), is a network of sensors deployed on a person's body, usually for health care monitoring. Since the sensors collect personal medical data, security and privacy are important components in BSN. At the same time, the collected data has to readily available in the event of an emergency. In this paper, we present a new secure WBSN architecture for a BSN
International Journal of Engineering Trends and ApplicationsNumerical study of the influence of ultra-thin veneer materials and its thickness on their biomechanical behavior.
This study investigated the influence of ultra-thin veneer materials and its thickness on their
biomechanical behavior using the 3D finite element method to find out which of all these models have a
better performance. The distribution of stresses in the models was studied when composite resin and
feldspathic porcelain were used in ultra-thin veneers with thickness of 0.2 mm and 0.3 mm under static
Comparison of several digital techniques for electroencephalography processing.
Most biological signals, whether they are muscle signals, brain signals or voice commands, are
random and unending in their initial form. They are processed and filtered from the noise in the
first stage and then classified, analyzed and extracted the required features of it in the second stage.
In this study, the brain signals of a healthy person were captured according to a clinical protocol
prepared for the purpose of the study, which is two consecutive blinks separated by 5 seconds rest
and then a set of digital filters were used to analyze and classify these signals in order to obtain
control from them.
Comparative study of maximum likelihood and spectral angle mapper algorithms used for automated detection of melanoma
Melanoma is a leading fatal illness responsible for 80% of deaths from skin cancer. It originates in the pigment-producing melanocytes in the basal layer of the epidermis. Melanocytes produce the melanin (the dark pigment), which is responsible for the color of skin. As all cancers, melanoma is caused by damage to the DNA of the cells, which causes the cell to grow out of control, leading to a tumor, which is much more dangerous if it cannot be found or detected early. Only biopsy can determine exact malformation diagnosis, although it can rise metastasizing. When a melanoma is suspected, the usual standard procedure is to perform a biopsy and to subsequently analyze the suspicious tissue under the microscope.
Skin Research and TechnologyAC-Induced Corrosion of Underground Steel Pipelines. Faradaic Rectification under Cathodic Protection: I. Theoretical Approach with Negligible Electrolyte Resistance
Tubulações subterrâneas protegidos por um revestimento grosso e por polarização catódica podem sofrer danos externos sérios por corrosão na presença de tensão de corrente alternada (AC) dispersa induzida por sistemas industriais de transporte elétrico de alta tensão, como linhas de tensão ou ferrovias eletrizadas.
J. Braz. Chem. SocAC Induced Corrosion of Underground Steel Pipelines. Faradaic Rectification under Cathodic Protection: II. Theoretical Approach with Electrolyte Resistance and Double Layer Capacitance for Bi-Tafelian Corrosion Mechanism
AC corrosion enhancement of buried steel pipe is induced by high stray AC electromagnetic field and to the faradaic rectification due to non-linearity of current-potential characteristics. In Part I, this phenomenon was evaluated by neglecting the electrical resistance of soil electrolyte. In this part, we will examine when this resistance is no longer negligible.
J. Braz. Chem. SocAutomated Breast Cancer Detection Using FISH Spectral Linear Unmixing
Fluorescence microscopy plays an important role in the classification of cancerous Tissue. The dramatic increase in multicolor fluorescence microscopy applications witnessed over the past decade is due, in part, to the significant advances in instrument and detector design. A number of advanced microscopy techniques have been applied using multi-color fluorescence labeling, including fluorescence recovery after photo bleaching (FRAP), fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS), fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), and fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM). Many of these methods benefit significantly from the ability to use specifically targeted fluorescent proteins in live-cell imaging experiments.
American Journal of Biomedical and Life SciencesAssessment of sagittal split ramus osteotomy rigid internal fixation techniques using a finite element method
In this study, finite element analysis (FEA) was used to evaluate nine rigid internal fixation techniques for sagittal split ramus osteotomy. To achieve this, a computed tomography (CT) scan of a healthy patient was obtained and used to generate the geometry of a half-mandible.
Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. SurgFinite element analysis of stress distribution on the mandible and condylar fracture osteosynthesis during various clenching tasks
The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effect of clenching tasks on the stress and strain of condylar osteosynthesis screws and plates, as well as on the stress, strain distribution and displacement on the whole mandible and bone surrounding screws.
link springerAC Induced Corrosion of Underground Steel Pipelines under Cathodic Protection: III. Theoretical Approach with Electrolyte Resistance and Double Layer Capacitance for Mixed Corrosion Kinetics
In this series of papers, AC induced corrosion of steel pipe under cathodic protection was investigated. In this Part III, the most realistic model was devised, i.e., the cathodic current was composed of the reductions of dissolved oxygen partly controlled by diffusion and of the water following the Tafel law.
J. Braz. Chem. SocA new tool to predict lung cancer based on risk factors
Lung cancer is one of the deadliest cancer in the world. Hundreds of researches are presented annually in the field of lung cancer treatment, diagnosis and early prediction
science directRegularization in Banach Spaces with Respect to the Bregman Distance
The Moreau envelope, also known as Moreau–Yosida regularization, and the associated proximal mapping have been widely used in Hilbert and Banach spaces
SpringerLink SearchEffect of Coating Materials on the Fatigue Behavior of Hip Implants: A Three-dimensional Finite Element Analysis
This study aims to validate, using finite element analysis (FEA), the design concept by comparing the fatigue behavior of hip implant stems coated with composite
Journal of Applied and Computational MechanicsFatigue Loading Effect in Custom-Made All-on-4 Implants System: A 3D Finite Elements Analysis
This study aims to evaluate the fatigue stress around custom-made all-on-4 implants system to find out which type of implants have a better performance under different graded multidirectional occlusal forces.
Material and methods
3D normal and implanted models simulating the “All-on-4” concept were created and analyzed under three different conditions of occlusal loadings. Two types of static and fatigue were applied. Stress distribution was analyzed based on von Mises and Goodman theories in ANSYS environment in addition to the safety factor. Statistical tests were performed to assess the significance of the results as well as the reproducibility of the results.
sciencedirectBio-Numerical Analysis of the Human Ankle-Foot Model Corresponding to Neutral Standing Condition
In this analytical study, tomography images were imported in DICOM format, after that, the object was exported in the form of three-dimensional structures in STL file format to define and assemble the structures. After that, the computer simulation on numerical model was done. One-way Analysis of variance (ANOVA) test was performed, and a threshold (p<0.05) was used to indicate the significance of results.
J Biomed Phys Eng.Biomechanical assessment of orbital fractures using patient-specific models and clinical matching
Orbital wall fractures consider one of the most common fractures in the maxillofacial trauma. These fractures caused by two mechanisms, the buckling mechanism and hydraulic mechanism. This study aims to compare between the two mechanisms in terms of intensity and extension using the finite elements method.
Material and methods
Three-dimensional model of the skull was generated using computed tomography data of young male patient. Virtual loads were applied on the eyeball and the infra-orbital rim separately. Von Mises stresses were examined in each simulation.
The simulation predicted fractures on the infra-orbital rim and orbital floor when simulating the hydraulic mechanism, and on the orbital floor and mesial wall when simulating the buckling mechanism.
Biomechanical assessment of orbital fractures using patient-specific models and clinical matchingEffect of direct electric current on human blood count
Direct Current (DC) is widely used in electrotherapy for disease treatment, with typical studies on the effect of DC on disease factors in the blood. The objective of this work was to study the effects of DC on human blood, and to determine the intensity of DC that safely flows through blood, and to know which components of blood are most affected by DC. The effects on the counts or levels of main blood components [Red Blood Cells (RBCs), White Blood Cells (WBCs), Platelets (PLTs), Hemoglobin (Hb), and Hematocrit (Hem)] were considered. DC intensities from 1 to 10 mA were passed through blood samples of ten healthy persons for periods of up to one hour. A blood test (blood count with white blood cell differential) was carried out before DC flow and after 5, 10, 15, 30, 45, and 60 minutes of treatment.
Songklanakarin J. Sci. TechnolBiomechanical Assessment of the Influence of Inlay/Onlay Design and Material on Stress Distribution in Nonvital Molars
Objectives The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of inlays/onlays with or without pulp extension from different materials on stress distribution in endodontically treated molars by three-dimensional finite element analysis (3D FEA).
Materials and Methods We used 3D mandibular molar models in this study. The models represented mesio-occluso-distal (MOD) cavities restored by inlays, onlays that covered buccal cusps, and onlays that covered all cusps with pulp extension (modified inlay/onlay) or without pulp extension (conventional inlay/onlay). Three materials (L: lithium disilicate glass-ceramic, P: polymer-infiltrated ceramic network [PICN], and C: nanofilled composite resin) were utilized. A force of 600 N was applied vertically and obliquely. Stress distribution in FEA models was analyzed using the von Mises theory.
European Journal of General DentistryNumerical Modeling of Renal Ionic Equilibrium for Implantable Kidney Applications
The human kidney is one of the most important organs in the human body; it performs many functions and has a great impact on the work of the rest of the organs. Among the most important possible treatments is dialysis, which works as an external artificial kidney, and several studies have worked to enhance the mechanism of dialysate flow and improve the permeability of its membrane. This study introduces a new numerical model based on previous research discussing the variations in the concentrations of sodium, potassium, and urea in the extracellular area in the blood during hemodialysis. We simulated the differential equations related to mass transfer diffusion and we developed the model in MATLAB Simulink environment. A value of 700 was appeared to be the most appropriate as a mass transfer coefficient leading to the best permeability. The suggested models enabled to track the temporal variations of urine, K and Na concentrations in blood streamline.
Baghdad Science JournalBiomechanical Assessment of Endodontically Treated Molars Restored by Endocrowns Made from Different CAD/CAM Materials
The aim of this study was to evaluate the deflection and stress distribution in endodontically treated molars restored by endocrowns from different materials available for the computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technique using three-dimensional finite element analysis. The models represented extensively damaged molars restored by endocrowns from the following materials: translucent zirconia; zirconia-reinforced glass ceramic; lithium disilicate glass ceramic; polymer-infiltrated ceramic network (PICN) and resin nanoceramic. Axial and oblique loadings were applied and the resulting stress distribution and deflection were analyzed.
materialsInfluence of Inlays/Onlays and Their Material on Stress Distribution in Mandibular Molars: Finite Element Analysis
This study aimed to evaluate the influence of inlays/onlays and their material on stress distribution in mandibular molars with large cavities, using finite element analysis (FEA). Methods: 3D models of the first mandibular molar were created. Then, a mesio-occluso-distal cavity was created, and cusps were reduced (1.5 mm for buccal cusps and 1 mm for lingual cusps). The restorations were: inlay, onlay that covered buccal cusps (B models), and onlay that covered all cusps (LB models). Inlays and onlays were represented by two materials: nanofill composite resin and polymer-infiltrated ceramic network (PICN). Vertical load of 600 N was applied and von Mises stresses were calculated.
Journal of StomatologyArabic Text-to-Speech Service with Syrian Dialect
This research aims to develop an Arabic text-to-speech (TTS) service with Syrian dialect, which is a variety of Arabic spoken in Syria and some neighboring countries, with easy access to it for people with disabilities or difficulty reading Arabic, such as people with visual impairments or learning disabilities. To achieve this goal, we employ two state-of-the-art Machine Learning (ML) approaches: Tactron2 and Transformers, which have achieved impressive results in various natural language processing tasks, including TTS. We compared the two approaches and evaluated the resulting TTS service using subjective measures. Our results show that both approaches can produce high-quality speech in the Syrian dialect, but transformers have the advantage of being more efficient and more flexible in handling different languages and accents.
SpringerLinkPortable Infrared-Based Glucometer Reinforced with Fuzzy Logic
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic metabolic condition characterized by high blood glucose levels owing to decreased insulin production or sensitivity. Current diagnostic approaches for gestational diabetes entail intrusive blood tests,
BiosensorsRecognizing Different Foot Deformities Using FSR Sensors by Static Classification of Neural Networks
Sensing insole systems are a promising technology for various applications in healthcare and sports. They can provide valuable information about the foot pressure distribution and gait patterns of different individuals
Baghdad Science JournalDesigning and implementing a portable ultrasound bone densitometer
Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by a low bone mass that increases the risk of fracture. The dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) bone densitometer is considered as the gold standard to measure bone mineral density (BMD)
Baghdad Science JournalNon-Invasive IR-Based Measurement of Human Blood Glucose
Non-Invasive blood glucose monitoring using infrared (IR) light is considered to be a useful and reliable tool for measuring blood sugar levels during daily activities. IR-based glucose monitoring depends on the variant absorption levels of IR light waves by blood with high or low levels of glucose solution
Engineering ProceedingsDetection of arrhythmias and myocardial infarction using SVM and ANN algorithms
The heart is one of the most vital organs in humans, and any defect in its function is reflected in the general health of the patient. Therefore, the heart and its diseases have been largely studied in order to help the doctors diagnose heart diseases and reduce errors as much as possible.
Baghdad Science JournalPortable Infrared-Based Glucometer Reinforced with Fuzzy Logic
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic metabolic condition characterized by high blood glucose levels owing to decreased insulin production or sensitivity. Current diagnostic approaches for gestational diabetes entail intrusive blood tests, which are painful and impractical for regular monitoring. Additionally, typical blood glucose monitoring systems are restricted in their measurement frequency and need finger pricks for blood samples. This research study focuses on the development of a non-invasive
MDPIAn Integrated Approach for Designing and Analyzing Lumbar Vertebral Biomodels with Artificial Disc Replacement
This study aims to develop an integrated approach for 3D lumbar vertebral biomodel design and analysis, specifically targeting unilevel disc degeneration and the replacement of lumbar artificial discs. Key objectives include improving existing design methods through 3D techniques, inverse modeling, and an engineering biomodel preparation protocol. Additionally, the study evaluates mechanical properties in the implantation area and between disc components to gauge the effectiveness of artificial discs in restoring functional movement within the studied biological model.
MDPIThe goal of this paper is to define for the first time the concept of symbolic 2-plithogenic weak fuzzy complex number as new generalization generated by combining real numbers with symbolic 2-plithogenic numbers. We study the elementary properties of this new class such as Invertibility and nilpotency, with many related examples that explain its novelty
Neutrosophic Sets and SystemsCartilage Tissue and Knee Joint Biomechanics Fundamentals, Characterization and Modelling
Cartilage, Tissue and Knee Joint Biomechanics: Fundamentals, Characterization and Modelling is a cutting-edge multidisciplinary book specifically focused on modeling, characterization and related clinical aspects. The book takes a comprehensive approach towards mechanics, fundamentals, morphology and properties of Cartilage Tissue and Knee Joints. Leading researchers from health science, medical technologists, engineers, academics, government, and private research institutions across the globe have contributed to this book. This book is a very valuable resource for graduates and postgraduates, engineers and research scholars. The content also includes comprehensive real-world applications.
ElsevierOn The Algebraic Properties of Symbolic 6-Plithogenic Integrs.
This paper is dedicated to study the properties of symbolic 6-plithogenic integers and number theory, where we present many numbers theoretical concepts such as symbolic 6-plithogenic congruencies, symbolic 6-plithogenic Diophantine equations, and symbolic 6-plithogenic Euler's function with Euclidean division. Also, we present many examples to explain the validity and the scientific contribution of our work.
Neutrosophic Sets and SystemsA Comparative Study on Fuzzy Logic-Based Liquid Level Control Systems with Integrated Industrial Communication Technology
This study presents an advanced control system for liquid level regulation, comparing a traditional proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller with a fuzzy logic controller. The system integrates a real-time monitoring and control interface, allowing flexible adjustments for research and training applications. Unlike the PID controller, which relies on predefined tuning parameters, the fuzzy logic controller dynamically adjusts control actions based on system behavior, making it more suitable for processes with non-linear dynamics.
computationThe Relationship between Work Values and Nursing Career Satisfaction
Values refer to what is important to the individual or group concerned, they represent a variety of concepts around which individuals orient their lives. Values shape the individual's preference systems, guide him to the formulation of goals, and affect his choices among alternatives, which confront him. The study aimed to investigate the relationship between work values and nursing career satisfaction. The study was conducted in all inpatient surgical and medical units at the General governmental University Hospital. It includes thirteen surgical and twelve medical units.
International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences and TechnologyIsolation and Ultra-Purification of Oleic Acid Extracted from Olive Oil Using Urea Crystallization
Oleic acid is an omega-9 fatty acid that is found naturally in many vegetable sources and animal products The major component in olive oil is the triglyceride esters of oleic acid. This triglyceride is one of the sources of good cholesterol
Hospital managers and facility planners are drawing on evidence-based design of hospitals to increase the likelihood that new facilities will generate the expected outcomes and the likelihood of designing facilities that function well for patients and staff and are cost-effective
Breast cancer is the most common form cancer among women worldwide. The study was aimed at assessing the knowledge level of breast cancer and breast self-examination, describe the extent of practice of breast self examination among respondents and describe their perceptions on the signs, risk factors and methods of prevention of breast cancer.
International Journal of Dental and Health SciencesQuality of life among Syrian patients with war-related lower limb amputation at the Military Hospital in Lattakia
Purpose: To describe the quality of life of Syrian people's life with lower limb amputation after the war
Patient safety is considered the corner stone of the high quality medical care. This study applied Six Sigma set (DMAIC) to identify root cause(s) of medication error and propose appropriate strategies to prevent medication error incidences in healthcare sections. Six Sigma's approach of problem identification, measurement, and statistical analysis, improvement, and controls plans were covered at a general governmental hospital with number of beds is 93 beds, and number of physicians is 137 physicians.
The appropriate use of hospital services (diagnostic testing and therapy) belongs firmly in the domain of quality care and clinical accountability
Hospital managers and facility planners are drawing on evidence-based design of hospitals to increase the likelihood that new facilities will generate the expected outcomes and the likelihood of designing facilities that function well for patients and staff and are cost-effective
International Journal of Dental and Health SciencesUtilization Health Services By The Insured Employee At A Governmental University
The importance of health insurance emphasizes the need to raise the level of health care
SSRG International Journal of Economics and Management StudiesContribute to solve Vehicle Routing Problem with Hard Time Windows (VRPHTW) To Support the Transportation System in Hospitals.
In this research, we study the possibility of contribution in solving Vehicle Routing Problem with Hard Time Windows (VRPHTW), which is one of the optimization problems that, has attracted a lot of attention at the present time. It is a problem of the NP-hard type. There is still no algorithm providing us with the optimal solution of this problem. All the used algorithms give approximate solutions. In our research, we will present the Hybrid Algorithm (HA), which integrates the Guided Local Search Algorithm (GLS) and the Tabu Search Algorithm (TSA), which is based on the Saving Algorithm (SAv). We will then compare the quality of the solution resulted from this hybrid approach with the results of well-known standard tests to determine the effectiveness of the presented approach.
Syrian private and public hospitals distribution roles in achieving regional development
In general, both private and public hospitals play extremely important roles in all economic and social development paces. These hospitals contribute not only in health care, highly qualified staff supply, and supper thinking educational levels, but also in local capital investments, labor increase and unemployment limitation. Or else regional development is achieved by technology in use across the country reducing internal immigration whose effects are at their most important through the country.
Attracting and localizing newly economic activities at those hospitals surrounding will result in economy growth ratio lift up and development push forward.
This paper studies hospital distribution in the Syrian provinces compared with that of population, thus hospital contribution strong or weak effects on the regional development revealed.
Tishreen University Journal for Research and Scientific StudiesSmall Industrial Enterprise in Syria: recruitment and unemployment limitation (Study from 1970 to 2010)
Unemployment is considered one of the most risky economic problems that faces the developing countries including Syria due to overpopulation, decreased investment growth, and capitals lack. Jeopardy of unemployment forwards as its negative consequences overwhelm life all paces economic, social, political, and demographical …etc. As there are many solutions, small enterprise seems to be among the most realistic and reasonable out costing ones in comparison with the big projects that require huge capitals, advanced technology, and highly professional work mass. Furthermore, they are difficulty competent with their counterparts in the developed countries where there is no economic laboratory else than reality.
Al Baath University JournalThe role of Legislative Decree NO./8/ 2007 in the establishment of Syrian private manufacturing enterprises
The Legislative Decree NO./8/ 2007 that governs the investment in Syria, is considered one of the latest and the most important legislative decrees that govern investments in Syria.
This Legislative Decree is intended to motivate the establishment of different manufacturing enterprises, particularly small and medium size enterprises, which don’t require big investments. However, in reality the results of this legislative decree were unsatisfactory.
Tishreen University Journal for Research and Scientific StudiesThe Monetary Stability in Syria: Studying the Period from 1999 to 2011
This research examined monetary stability standard in Syria (the so-called inflationary pressure standard), as one of the standards used in the study of inflationary forces, between 1999 and 2011. Results of the research showed that the monetary stability standard was positive during most of the years covered in this study. This means that total monetary demand is greater than the real supply of goods and services, which, over time, leads to the growth of inflationary forces, and to increasing the general price level.
Al Baath University JournalThe Relationship Between The Distribution Of Private Investment Projects In The Syrian Governorates And Their Population: A Study Conducted In The Years 2007 To 2011
This article examines the relationship between the distribution of private investment projects established in the Syrian governorates, according to the laws governing investment in the private sector, and the distribution of the population in those governorates from 2007 to 2011. Through the study, the researcher has found that there is a defect between the distribution of projects and the distribution of the population. For this reason, the researcher made some proposals to activate and enable private investment projects in those governorates in a balanced manner, in a way that achieves justice in the governorates' share of projects that can be executed in the future, and that has a very important impact on the economic and social development process.
Tishreen University Journal for Research and Scientific StudiesStudying the Inflationary Gaps in Syria from 2000 to 2016
This paper examines the effect of inflationary gaps on per capita GDP in Syria during the period from 2000 to 2016. The aim of this research is to study the change in per capita GDP and whether the inflationary gaps have any effect on its decline. , The independent variable is the inflationary gaps, and the dependent variable is per capita GDP. The analytical descriptive approach was used in this research. Results of the statistical analysis showed that per capita GDP decline in Syria was not caused by inflationary gaps.
Tishreen University Journal for Research and Scientific StudiesChanges in Tax Revenue in Comparison with GDP at Current Prices in Syria (a 2000-to-2016 Study)
Tax revenue is one of the most important ways for countries to supplement their public budgets with revenues needed for public spending. Given its characteristics and qualities, tax revenue is a very important tool of widespread fiscal policies used by countries to reduce the problems experienced by their economies, such as inflation, stagnation and unemployment. Tax changes are supposed to be in line with GDP changes, in the rise and fall. In this research I will examine the change in tax revenues in Syria compared to the change in GDP at current prices in the period from 2000 to 2016. The conclusion the study reaches is that the changes in taxes are incompatible with the changes in the GDP. This shows the inflexibility of the taxation system in Syria, which in turn has led to low tax revenues and a decrease in tax burden.
Tishreen University Journal for Research and ScientificFinancial inclusion and market-based performance: empirical evidence from Syrian banks
Financial inclusion is considered one of the strategic tools for sustainable development and one of the types of corporate social responsibility disclosures. This study aims to focus on the association between the disclosure of financial inclusion activities and Syrian banking companies’ performance.
Emerald logoThe Relationship Between the Degree of Application of Good Governance and the Performance of Employees from the Point of View of Employees Case Study of the General Authority of Al-Basel Hospital in Tartous
This study aimed to show the relationship between the degree of application of good governance and the performance of employees in the General Authority of Al-Basel Hospital in Tartous from the point of view of its employees.To achieve the objectives of the study, the descriptive analytical approach (case study methodology) was followed, through a questionnaire distributed to the study sample, consisting of (400) employees in all their functional specialties (technical, administrative, nursing, medical) in the General Authority of Al-Basel Hospital in Tartous, and it was received by hand and entered into the statistical analysis program (SPSS25)
International Journal of Religion