Education System at the University

In line with educational systems applied in most international universities, the study system in Al Andalus Private university for medical Sciences has been changed from the semester system to the credit hours system, in accordance with Higher Education Council Resolution No. (230) of the date 17-8-2022.

This system is characterized by its flexibility, as it facilitates for students the possibility of completing their academic load within the minimum required period of study. The academic year is divided into three semesters: fall semester (OBLIGATORY), spring semester (OBLIGATORY), and summer semester (OPTIONAL).

This system has been applied starting from the academic year 2022-2023 on university faculties’ students according to the following:

  • Medicine Faculty: First, Second, and Third Years (Freshers and Failed)
  • Dentistry Faculty: First, Second, and Third Years (Freshers and Failed)
  • Pharmacy Faculty: First, Second, and Third Years (Freshers and Failed)
  • Biomedical Engineering Faculty: First and Second Years (Freshers and Failed)
  • Hospital Management Faculty: First, Second, and Third Years (Freshers and Failed)
  • Nursing Faculty: First and Second Years (Freshers and Failed)

It is an educational system applied in most international universities based on determining the number of credit hours the student needs to successfully fulfill. Completed credit hours are used as a measure of the student’s eligibility for graduation.

Concept of Credit Hours

  • It is a unit of measurement for the material studied in one course during a typical academic semester. The credit hour for a specific course is calculated based on the student’s attendance for the duration of one theoretical hour (or, alternatively, two practical hours or their equivalent of practical or training hours) per week in said course.
  • The total number of credit hours for one course is calculated as the sum of practical and theoretical credits, as each theoretical hour is equivalent to one credit hour, and two practical hours are equivalent to two credit hours. For example; For a course which has the following weekly hours: (three theoretical hours and two practical hours), its credit hours would be: 3 + 1 = 4 credit hours.

Academic Load

Academic load is defined as the number of credit hours students are allowed to enroll in per semester.

Academic Semesters

An academic semester is the period of time between the start of the study and its end, including the exam period. A semester could last from sixteen to nineteen weeks.

An academic year consists of:

  • A compulsory fall semester of 16-19 weeks, some of which are exams periods;
  • A compulsory spring semester of 16-19 weeks, some of which are exams periods;
  • An optional summer semester of 8 weeks.

Academic Courses

  • A Course
  • A course is a scientific subject which the student studies in each academic semester. It is allocated a specific number of credit hours according to the faculty study plan. This subject could either be a compulsory or an elective course.
  • A Prerequisite:

A prerequisite is a course that the student must study and pass before they can study another course related to it. For example, the course “Accounting 1” is a prerequisite for the course “Accounting 2”.

Courses in the study plans are divided into:

  • A university requirement (Some are mandatory, and some are optional);
  • A faculty requirement (some are compulsory, and some are optional, according to the college study plan);
  • And a specialization or departments requirement (mandatory).

The student is evaluated through tests, assignments, and various activities. Course grades are distributed between the following: examinations, assignments and activities according to what is contained in the university's internal system and the description of its courses. The following is taken into consideration:

1 – Theoretical Courses:

  • A student is not entitled to take the final exam if they do not obtain 25% on their performance score.

Final Examination Score

Performance Score


Not below 50%

Not above 50%

Applied Faculty

Not below 60%

Not above 40%

Theoretical Faculty

  • A student does not pass a course if they score less than 25% on the course’s final examination.

2 – Practical courses (or seminars, applied projects and clinic work):

Grading of these courses is done and distributed through a decree of the faculty council at the beginning of each academic year.

The final grade the student receives in a particular course is determined by adding their respective grades in their assignments, activities, tests, and final examination.

Student Name

Midterm Examination

Activities and Duties

Practical Examination

Performance Score

Final Examination









  • The student is not allowed to be absent for more than 15% of the credit hours allocated to a specific course during one academic semester.
  • If a student exceeds the allowed percentage of absence in a course without an excuse which is accepted by the faculty’s dean (illness, compulsory absence), they are denied from performing the examination. In this case, their point grade is equal to zero, and they are given a (Z) letter grading. If the denied course is compulsory, the student must reapply for the course, and their grade will be included in their semester average for the purposes for issuing warnings and dismissal from the program.
  • If a student exceeds the allowed percentage of absence in a course with an excuse which is accepted by the faculty’s dean and confirmed by the faculty council, (illness, compulsory absence accompanied by a medical report from a physician or from the university hospital), they are considered as withdrawn from the course (The faculty’s dean informs the Admission and Registration department of this). The student is then given a “Withdrawal” (W) letter grading in their academic record.
  • The student has the right to withdraw from a specific course they registered in during the semester and is given a withdrawal grade (W). The course in which the student obtained a “withdrawal” grade does not count in calculating his cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA).
  • The deadline for withdrawing from a course for which the student was previously registered is determined in the academic calendar issued at the beginning of the academic year or semester.
  • In the event that the student withdraws from all their modules within the relevant semester, the semester is considered frozen, and the student obtains a withdrawn grade (W) in all the withdrawn modules. The semester is to be calculated within the maximum allowed period of study, and tuition fees have to be paid. Yet, this will not affect the student’s GPA.
  • A student who is unable to complete the tasks required for a reason beyond his/her control will be given an Incomplete (I) grade by virtue of a suggestion made by the faculty council and a decree by the university board council. The student must perform the extra load of work to compensate for his/her slackness by the end of the third week of the next academic semester. In case of neglect and lack of commitment to this deadline, the student is given a Denial or Fail (Z or F) letter grading in the course.
  • A student who receives a Denied or Fail grade in a specific course must re-register and study the course again if it is compulsory, or its equivalent if it is optional, and pay the fees incurred.
  • The student's semester grade point average equals the sum of the points obtained by the student in the courses that he/she studied during the semester after multiplying each of them by the number of credit hours for the course, divided by the total credit hours for the courses that the student took during the semester.



Student Name




Academic Year

University Number


Hasan Muhammad







Course Title

Percentage Grade

Letter equivalent

Point Grade

Number of Credit Hours

Point Grade × Credited Hours


Chemistry 1







Anatomy 1














English language 1







Arabic language











Sum = 14

























Calculation of the total Aggregate GPA (AGPA)


  • Each student’s AGPA is calculated as follows:

An aggregate average is calculated for each student at the end of each academic semester in the same manner as the semester average; however, for calculating AGPA, all courses that the student has studied since the beginning of his studies are taken into account, and the highest grade in any courses the student has repeated is considered.


Point Average and its Letter-based Equivalent

  • The letter equivalents to the percentage points obtained by the student, and the corresponding points, are determined as follows:

Point Grade

Letter Grade

Percentage Equivalent



100 > X ≥ 98



98 > X ≥ 95



95 > X ≥ 90



90 > X ≥ 85



85 > X ≥ 80



80 > X ≥ 75



75 > X ≥ 70



70 > X ≥ 65



65 > X ≥ 60



60 > X ≥ 55



55 > X ≥ 50



50 > X ≥ 0

Denied (DN)












X: Student’s grade.

  • The minimum and maximum credit hours for which a student is entitled to register during academic semesters are determined as follows:

Maximum Amount in Faculties whose Credit Hours are Greater than Two Hundred Hours

Maximum Amount of Credit Hours

Minimum Amount of Credit Hours

Academic Semester




First (Fall)




Second (Spring)




Third (Summer)

*If the student’s average in the past semester is greater than or equal to 3 points.

  • The student's academic load in the graduation semester may reach twenty-one credit hours in regular semesters and twelve credit hours in the summer semester.
  • If the student has a large academic load that is not considered for the student (As it is in the case of restorative courses in English language and basic sciences), the university can exempt the student from enrolling in credit hours. In this case, the total academic load with restorative courses is taking into consideration when assessing the student and granting them official documents.
  • If the student needs less than the minimum allowed credit hours in their graduation semester, they may register only the credit hours they need.

Student Classification

  • A newly registered student is classified at the level of the second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth years if they had successfully completed the study of the credit hours according to the following table:



Progression to Second Year

Progression to Third Year

Progression to Fourth Year

Progression to Fifth Year

Progression to Sixth Year

Faculties with a Six-year Study Period

27 62 97 132 167

Medical Faculties with a Five-year Study Period

28 64 100 136 -

Faculties with a Five-year Study Period

24 56 88 120 -

Faculties with a Four-year Study Period

24 56 88 - -

Academic Warnings

  • After approving the student’s academic results at the end of each academic semester (except for the summer semester (, the university, starting from the semester following the semester in which the student was registered, issues academic warnings to students whose aggregate average is less than two points in either the first or second academic semesters.
  • The student who received an academic warning must raise their AGPA to two points within a maximum period of two academic semesters from the date of the warning.
  • In the event that the warned student is unable to raise their AGPA to two points within the given deadline, they are dismissed from the major unless:
  • they successfully complete ninety-nine credit hours and their AGPA is greater than 1.75 points.
  • If the student’s AGPA drops to less than 1.75 in any subsequent semester, they will be dismissed from their major without warning.

Academic Dismissal from a Major or Faculty

  • A student is expelled from their major if they obtain an AGPA of less than one point in one of the academic semesters after their first semester of enrollment in the university, except for the summer semester. Furthermore, on the recurrence that a student scores an AGPA of less than one point in any subsequent semester, they will be dismissed from the university.
  • A student who was expelled from a specific major is not enrolled into a different major more than once during their studies at the university.
  • The Director of Admission and Registration is responsible for warning the student or dismissing them and informing the student of the decree through their academic advisor and the relevant authorities at the university are duly informed.
  • A student who was dismissed from a major may not be re-admitted to the same major again.
  • The following applies to a student who received an Incomplete grade and was threatened with expulsion due to a low GPA:

1. They are not allowed to continue studying in the next semester before completing their grades in that semester and raising their AGPA to the required minimum.

2. The student is expelled if his AGPA is not raised to the required minimum after completing their grades in that semester.

3. The student is dismissed from the university or from the major if the maximum period allowed for study is exceeded.


  • The student is considered a graduate on condition that they pass all courses of the accredited study plan, their AGPA is equal to two points or more, and do not exceed the period allowed for study. Then the student is granted a graduation certificate signed by the dean of the faculty and the president of the university, and a grades transcript signed by the university president.
  • Upon graduation, the final AGPA is calculated using the total points obtained by the student in all courses of the study plan after multiplying each of them by the number of credit hours for the course divided by the total number of credit hours for the plan.
  • The university assesses the student’s academic semester and final GPA as follows:







Very good






A student’s final grade point average is calculated as follows:

Percentage average = (final GPA at graduation × 20) + 20

Assuming that a student's grade point average at graduation was 3.65, his/her equivalent graduation percentage average equals: (3.65 × 20) + 20 = 93%.

  • A student transferred from another university may not graduate from the university unless they have studied at least 50% of the credit hours at the university he/she is being transferred to.

Academic Supervision

The proper application of the credit hour system relies upon the academic supervision of the student. This task is undertaken by an academic advisor who is appointed as a faculty teaching staff member for each student, with each advisor supervising a group of students. The duties of the academic supervisor include:

  • Supervision of the student from the beginning of the academic year.
  • Determining the appropriate study load for the student in each academic semester and clarifying the importance of studying the prerequisite for any course (if any), including supervising the student’s addition, deletion and withdrawal of/from courses.
  • Follow-up of the student’s academic achievement and course of study.