Al-Andalus University has participated in an online conference which was held in Vancouver-Canada on May the 30th 2021.

  • Publish Date:
  • 01/06/2021

Al-Andalus University has participated in an online conference which was held in Vancouver-Canada on May the 30th 2021.

The topic of the research presented was “Automatic Detection and Extraction of Lungs Cancer Nodules Using Connected Components Labelling and Distance Measure Based Classification”.

Dr. Mamdouh Monif, the Dean of Biomedical Engineering Faculty in Al-Andalus University, presented the research.

More than 20 research paper were presented by speakers from different high-ranked universities, institutes and research centers. Al-Andalus University was given 30 minutes like other high-ranked universities, institutes and research centers such as California and Florida Universities-USA and National Institute of Informatics- Japan.

The research investigated the:

  1. Automatic detection of lungs from CT images using connected components labelling technique.
  2. Extracting the lungs nodules using the based-on distance-measuring technique.
  3. Classification of lungs nodules to “cancer nodules” and “non-cancer nodules”.

The findings of the research were:

  1. The use of connected components labeling technique with the based-on distance-measuring classification one increases the accuracy of the detection of cancerous nodules, and the accuracy of the method used exceeded the accuracy in all other methods.
  2. The method is efficient and flexible as it is possible to extract all lung shapes and sizes from the CT images.
  3. Using shape features and density features together increases the accuracy of the method.

The chair of the conference hailed the importance of the research and its obtained results, and extended an invitation to the university of Al-Andalus to participate in the next conference which will be held in 2022.
