Freshers' Orientation Session for Students of all Faculties

  • Publish Date:
  • 12/12/2023

A freshers’ orientation session was held for the freshers of the faculties of (Medicine - Dentistry - Pharmacy - Biomedical Engineering - Nursing - Hospital Management).

The meeting was held in the presence of Prof. Dr. Hussain Salman, President of Al Andalus Private University;

Prof. Dr. Ali Ibrahim, Vice President of the University for Administrative and Student Affairs;

Mr. Ghassan Rkieh, University Trustee;

Dr. Tayseer Salman, Director of Central Examinations and Head of the Requirements Department;

Deans of Faculties:

Dr. Saleh Ismail, Dean of the Faculty of Human Medicine;

Dr. Basem Salim, Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry;

Dr. Suzan Samra, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy;

Dr. Mamdouh Monif, Dean of the Faculty of Medical Engineering;

Dr. Lubna Daoud, Dean of the Faculty of Nursing;

Dr. Hussain Ibrahim, Dean of the Faculty of Hospital Management; and

Colleague Khalil Saad, head of the Union branch, as well as members of Al Andalus University branch of the National Union of Syrian Students.

During the meeting, new students were introduced to university laws and regulations and the credit hour system.

Students were oriented towards the necessity of adhering to the examination instructions, and the mechanism of academic warnings was explained to them.

The role of the National Union of Syrian Students in maintaining the progress of the educational process in Syrian universities was duly explained, in addition to the union’s keen interest in the artistic, sports-related, cultural and literary activities of students and its continuous enthusiasm to receive student complaints and protect their rights.

The faculty deans also stressed the need for commitment and follow-up. Finally, the door was opened for inquiries which were properly answered.

National Union of Syrian Students

Al Andalus University Branch

