Lecture on some Clinical Cases for Medicine Faculty Students in Al Andalus University Hospital

  • Publish Date:
  • 01/12/2023

Within the framework of the constant endeavor to support the educational process at Al Andalus Private University for Medical Sciences, and in accordance with modern educational methods, Dr. Akram Hasan, a general surgeon, has presented the fifth lecture in the general surgery course for fifth year medical students.

The lecture was held at Al Andalus University Hospital and was titled: Surgical Breast Lesions. It was conducted on four clinical cases: breast tumor, breast lesion, fibrous masses, and breast abscess. The lecture covered the theoretical and clinical aspects of each of the cases through examinations, diagnosis, analysis and ultrasound imaging. Dr. Hasan provided a comprehensive explanation of each case and its treatment methods and stages.

The model lectures at Al Andalus University Hospital are an important resource and a distinctive addition to the clinical training program for fifth year medical students at Al Andalus Private University for Medical Sciences.

Al Andalus University Presidency wishes a speedy recovery for patients and good health and safety for everyone.
