Faculty of Nursing is Celebrating the Graduation of Class of 2020

  • Publish Date:
  • 12/12/2020

Student Union at the Faculty of Nursing has held an event to welcome first-year students and to celebrate the graduation of class 2020, who has achieved the best results among other nursing schools in the country during the "National Unified Exam". The event was attended by Prof Mohammed A’amer Al-Mardini, the university president; Dr Hasan Shahoud, vice president for academic affairs; Dr Rula Alio, dean of the faculty; Dr Remoun Layous, vice dean of the faculty for administrative and student affairs; and Aziz Hasan, the faculty administrator. The event has started by a speech by the faculty dean, in which she welcomed the freshers and congratulated last-year top scorers and class of 2020 graduates for achieving the best pass rate. The dean also congratulated top graduates from class of 2020 for the job opportunities they had been offered at Al Andalus University Hospital. The second activity was two consecutive speeches by the university president and vice president, in which they assert the importance of nursing and the roles the graduates can play in the promising upcoming projects of the university. The speeches were followed by introducing the freshers to student union activities and to the study system at the faculty. Top scorers of each class were then awarded certificates of merit, and, finally, a short video about the faculty activities was shown.
