Updates in: Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences (MPC 2023)
Date: 13 May 2023
Venue: Al Andalus University for Medical Sciences (virtual conference - online)
Language: English
- Modern Dosage Forms and Nanotechnology.
- Environment-friendly Pharmaceutical Industry.
- Updates in Healthy Nutrition and Dietary Supplements.
- Updates in Laboratory Analysis, Diagnosis, and First-aid Procedures.
- And, All Updates in pharmacy sciences and Research(NaturalProducts, Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Clinical Pharmacy, and Community Pharmacy).
Contact for Participation:
- Dr. Manhal Yousseef: +963 - 943 - 200359
- Dr. Dema Ibraheem: dig@au.edu.sy
Note: The conference link will be added later to this page
Downloading the conference program ----------- Later the file will be added
Organized by: Faculty of Pharmacy - Al Andalus University for Medical Sciences