Lecture at the Faculty of Nursing, Titled: Viral Hepatitis

  • Publish Date:
  • 30/03/2024

Dr. Ali Zureik delivered a scientific lecture on viral hepatitis at the Faculty of Nursing, attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Nursing, Dr. Lubna Dawood, the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Dr. Alaa Taweel, and Dr. Eiad Khalil, Director of the Quality Assurance Center.

The lecture began with an explanation of the importance of the liver and its functions in the body, followed by a discussion on hepatitis and its types: A, B, C, D, and E.

The lecture focused on hepatitis type A due to its significant prevalence. The speaker discussed the incubation period of the disease and its key signs and symptoms. He also emphasized the importance of maintaining healthy practices, such as personal hygiene and the cleanliness of food, particularly leafy vegetables, which should be soaked in disinfectant solutions for a specified period as a preventive measure against the virus.


The lecture was held at the Faculty of Nursing on Friday, March 29, 2024.
