First Aid Course

  • Publish Date:
  • 16/03/2024


The Faculty of Nursing held a First Aid course for students and university staff on Friday, 15th March 2024, and Saturday, 16th March 2024.

The first session, titled "Adult Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)," was conducted by Dr. Ali Zureik. It covered the steps of performing CPR in case of a cardiac arrest. The second session, conducted on Saturday, was titled "Wounds and Bleeding." It was supervised by Dr. Mufida Noaman and Mr. Abdul Qadir Barakat. This session explained the steps for managing wounds and provided examples in this context.

The lectures were held in the laboratories of the Faculty of Nursing.


Note: The course will continue on the upcoming Friday and Saturday, 22nd and 23rd March 2024.
