Lecture on Osteoporosis

  • Publish Date:
  • 16/03/2024

Under the patronage of Professor Hussein Salman, President of Al Andalus University for Medical Sciences, and as part of the scientific activities of the Faculty of Medicine, Dr. Sami Shaddoud, the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, delivered a lecture titled "Osteoporosis."

The lecture covered the role and function of bone tissue, comparing normal bone tissue with osteoporotic bone. It highlighted the significance of osteoporosis, its role in causing fractures, and its association with other chronic diseases that may increase mortality rates.

A detailed explanation was provided on the causes, prevention methods, diagnosis, treatment, and the importance of measuring bone density. Preventive strategies were also discussed. Additionally, global statistics on osteoporosis incidence rates were presented, along with dietary recommendations to prevent the disease.

The lecture concluded with a discussion session where attendees' questions were addressed.
