Announcement for a First Aid Course

  • Publish Date:
  • 12/03/2024


In continuation of the scientific activities at Al Andalus University, the Administration of the Faculty of Nursing is pleased to invite you to attend the "First Aid Course."


Dr. Ali Zureik + Ms. Zainab Saad

Dr. Mufida Noaman + Mr. Abdul Qadir Barakat

The course will be held on:

- Friday, 15th March 2024 and Saturday, 16th March 2024

- Friday, 22nd March 2024 and Saturday, 23rd March 2024

Time: 11:00 AM

Location: Laboratories of the Faculty of Nursing

Target audience: Students and university staff

We kindly request the deans of the faculties to nominate the students and staff members interested in attending at the specified time and place.

Thank you for your cooperation
