
Course Vocabulary:

1-An Introduction to Biology.
2-Exploring life (Hierachy of biological Organization).
3-Grouping species.
4-General structure of the Cell (1).
5-General structure of the Cell (2).
6-General structure of the Cell (3).
7-Biochemical structure of the Cell.
8-Kingdom Protozoa.
9-Prokaryotes (1).
10-Prokaryotes (2).
11-Cell Communication.
12-An introduction to genetic.
13-Mechanisms of Evolution.
14-The Molecular Basis of Inheritance.
15-Molecular Genetics.

English References:

- UDE, Joachim; KOCH, Michael (1982): Die Zelle- Atlas der ultrastrukture. VEB Gustav Fischer verlag, gena, 263 page.

- Brown, T.A. (2000). Genomes. New York and London, Garland & Science ed.


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