Medical Physics

1- Introduction in Mechanics
2-Light and Optical Engineering
3- The lenses
4- The Eye, The Vision, The Color Vision, & The Disordered vision
5- The Microscopes (Compound, Darkfield, Phasecontrast, Polarizing Fluorescent, interferential, & Electron Microscope "TEM & SEM"
6- Laser and it's Medical Applications
7- Optical Fibers
8- XRays
9- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
10- Static Fluid
11- Dynamic Fluid Mechanics
12- Electric Currents & Their Usage in Medicine - Electromagnetic Waves & Principles of EEG & EMG
13- The Heart Electrical Activity
14- Temperatures, Thermometers, & Thermal Exchanges - Fluids Distribution & Manifestations of Transport in The Body
15- Trans membrane Transmission & Introduction in the Electric Functions of Organs- The Sounds, The Ear and Hearing
16- Ultrasonic Waves ,Ultrasonography & Doppler Effect

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