Preventive & Occupational Medicine
1- General principles:
*Preventive medicine aims and applications.
*Prevention levels.
*Preventive medicine and public health definition.
2- Communicable diseases control and preventive principles:
*Air –borne and direct contact diseases.
*Sexualy transmitted diseases.
*Vector –borne and zoonotic diseases.
*Hospital acquired diseases.
3- Non communicable diseases control and preventive principles:
*Cardiovascular disease.
*Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
*Digestive system diseases.
*Psychiatric diseases.
*Accidents and trauma.
4- behavioura factors and prevention:
*healthy behaviour, health promotion.
*healthy education.
*Alchol and substance abuse.
5- Special prevention programs( child, teenagers, reproductive, elderly, mental and international health).
6- Occupational health and medicine:
*Occupation and health.
*Occupational disease and occupation related disease and syndromes.
*Dust physical factors and stress related occuoational diseases.
*Occupational cancer.
*Occupational diseases survilliance.
*Occupational disesases prevention.
*Workers health.
*Special groups occupational health legislations.