The University of Andalusia allows:
• To facilitate to its students the acquisition of the most recent scientific knowledge at the international level in the field of medical sciences;
• Facilitate for its students the acquisition of a training adapted to the professional life which enables them to exercise a useful activity in the company which is theirs;
• Put itself at the service of the advancement of men, through measures allowing the creation of a generation of graduates endowed with the greatest human values;
• Provide continuous training to its academic and technical managers, as well as to its staff;
• To be a stimulating environment for original and effective scientific research, and thus to occupy an advanced place in this field.
Al Andalos University being aware that this can only be achieved with the presence of emeritus researchers, local, suitable laboratories and tools, funding, high level data center ... it adopted a clean and dignified scientific method, allowing to achieve these objectives which it deems noble and loyal.