Evaluation of Physical and Chemical Properties of Paracetamol (500mg) Tablets Marketed in Syria
- تاريخ النشر: 2017-03-08
ملخص البحث:
Paracetamol is medicine in all country and accessible without a prescription. Many commercial types of paracetamol tablets (500mg) are available in the Syrian drug market. The objective of this article is to evaluate the physicochemical characterizes for five commercial types of paracetamol (500 mg) tablets marketed in Syria. Paracetamol was evaluated for mass uniformity, friability, hardness, content uniformity, and dissolution rate. All the groups complied with the pharmacopieal specifications for mass uniformity and friability tests. Two brands (B, D) passed the USP requirements for content uniformity with values (90-110%) while the remaining groups failed. Three tested groups released more than 80% drug in 30 minutes except group A and group C.

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