Spectrophotometric Determination of Haloperidol in Pure Form and Pharmaceutical Formulation using Calcon and Amido Black
- تاريخ النشر: 2017-03-08
ملخص البحث:
Two simple, rapid and sensitive spectrophotometric methods have been developed for determination of Haloperidol (HP) in pure form and pharmaceutical formulations. A good sensitive colour reaction has been developed, based on the fact that Haloperidol (HP) reacts with a Calcon (Cal) or Amido Black (AB), to form an ion-association complex in acidic buffer solution, giving pink color with Calcon and blue color with Amido Black, the absorbance of chloroform extracted complexes were measured at 531 nm and 626 nm respectively. The effects of analytical parameters on the reported systems were investigated.

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- رابط المجلة:
indian journals