

1- Approach to psychiatric patient.
2- Introduction in psychology,social science,learning&communication skills.
3- Basics in Neurophysiology.
4- Anxiety disorders.
5- Panic disorder & Phobias.
6- Obsessive compulsive disorder.
7- Conversion & dissociative disorder.
8- Reaction to severe stress & adjustment disorder.
9- Somatoform & Psychosomatic diseases.
10- Psychotherapy.
11- Schizophrenia, cgronic non schizophrenic psychosis, shizoaffective disorder.
12- Persistent delusional disorders, acute & transient psychotic disorders.
13- Major depressive disorder.
14- Manic & bipolar affective disorder.
15- Pervasive developmental disorders in children.
16- Behavioral, emotional & psychiatric disorder in children.
17- Conduct disorders, hyperkinetic disorders &Tics disorder.
18- Child abuse &neglect ,Psychological effects of war.
19- Psychiatric disorders in adolescence.
20- Mental & behavioral disorders due to cannabis opium and cocaine abuse.
21- Disorders due to sedatives, Hypnotics & halluncinogens abuse.
22- Disorders due to caffeine,tobacco & solvents abuse.
23- Disorders due to alcohol abuse.
24- Personality disorders, impulse control disorders & malingering.
25- Eating disorders & sleep disturbances.
26- Sexuality disorders.
27- Psychoorganic disorders and Psychogeriatrics, mental retardation.
28- Pregnancy & labor psychological disorders.
29-Emergency in psychiatry.

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