Specific Pathology


1- Gastrointestinal tract pathology.
2-Liver, biliary tracts and pancreas pathology.
3- Congenital heart defects, venous lesions angiomas.
4- Inflammatory heart diseases endocardium lesions and heart tumors.
5- Lung lesions, pneumoconioss.
6- Small and large cell lung cancer.
7- Breast pathology.
8- Pituitary, adrenal glands.
9- Thyroid and parathyroid lesions, diabetes mellitus.
10- Lymphomas, hemopoietic tissue.
11- Leukemias and myeloproliferative diseases.
12- Central and peripheral nervous system.
13- Soft tissues.
14- Skin and oromucosa.
15- Renal and urinary tracts pathology.
16- Male reproductive pathology.
17- Female reproductive pathology.
18- Bones and joints pathology.
19- Kidney pathology.

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